11 years ago
isn't crying, isn't crying, isn't crying. Maddy just hurt her paw, she'll be fine...
latest #153
11 years ago
rubs at his eyes quickly, trying not to sniffle. "Maddy has to stay the night at the vet's. I don't know what happened, but she ran off in the park today, and when she came back she was limping and crying..." _
11 years ago
_he doesn't even have the energy to swat Alfred's hand, he's too worried.
11 years ago
half-heartedly attempts to pull away for a moment, but he's glad for the comfort. "They better. At the worst, she'll only need a cast, si? The very worst....I hope they give her painkillers, I don't want her_
11 years ago
_to be miserable. They don't even know where she likes to be scratched, but the fuckers wouldn't let me go in."
Romano hopes
11 years ago
so. They better...he was so worried, and anxious as as glad as he was for the comfort, another part of him wanted to pace and yell at the receptionist to be let inside. "She is tough. She's my tough fiorella.."
11 years ago
huffs, still distressed. "They said they might have to keep her over night..." But they hadn't come out to confirm it yet.
11 years ago
scowls. "I hope so. It better be...Maddy better be perfectly fine, or...or else."
11 years ago
huffs against him, grateful for Alfred being there. "I hope so..." If he thinks about this anymore, he'll drive himself crazy and barge in there. "What were you doing this morning?"
11 years ago
smiles a little at that. "You'll get yourself fucking injured, idiota..."
11 years ago
sighs, shaking his head. "Eventually you will, idiota."
11 years ago
nudges him lightly. "Say that when I find you with a black eye." He does feel a little better. Still worried, but not as distraught.
11 years ago
squirms a little, eyes flickering over to the desk every so often. "A black eye hurts like fuck no matter who you are."
Romano gives
11 years ago
him a little. "If you say so. What if I asked.. " Oh, he knew the name... "Matthew. Who you grew up with? Would he have embarrassing stories?"
11 years ago
smiles a little at that. "That would be interesting to watch. The two of you going back and forth."
11 years ago
things he should visit Matthew. Hear as many embarrassing stories as he can. "Si?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes with a soft smile. "If you say so." The nurse comes out, and he bolts towards the desk, waiting apprehensively for any news.
11 years ago
frowns when they say Maddy will have to be kept overnight. But overall she will be okay, though she'll need a doggy cast. Lovino swallows hard, giving a shaky nod. She'll be okay....
11 years ago
huffs a little, but he nods. "Si, si...I need to go get her food from home...and her toys and blanket."
11 years ago
nods. "I just..." He wanted her to come home. "She'll be okay."
11 years ago
glances down the hall again, before nodding and heading towards the car. "I have to bring her treats too...she'll cry the whole night, you know."
Romano will
11 years ago
always worry for her, but he nods and pulls off down the road.
Romano hopes
11 years ago
so. He pulls up in front of his house, hurrying inside. He has a lot of things to collect.
Romano is
11 years ago
running around bagging up her food, getting her water bowl and treats...he runs out with his arms full of her toys. "It's not too much, right?"
11 years ago
deflates a little, but he sorts through and picks a stuffed rabbit, and a chew toy...and a blanket. Blankets weren't toys. "I think she needs more treats. Should I get her a bone?"
Romano thinks
11 years ago
he picked the right toys. "Maybe just the bone, and none of the other treats. She likes chewing things..." Like his laundry...
11 years ago
gathers up her things, and sighs softly. "She'll be fine." Yes. She had to be.
Romano thinks
11 years ago
it's incredibly hard. But.. "No, I suppose not...let's go then." He heads for the door, picking up another stuffed animal on the way out >>;;
11 years ago
knows that..hopes that. "Si..." He pulls away only to slip into the driver's seat, starting up the car. "I'll have to carry her around for awhile afterwards. She won't like not being able to run around _
11 years ago
_as she wants."
11 years ago
speeds down the road. "They better...."
Romano is
11 years ago
grateful for Alfred being there. He's a lot less of a total wreck.
Romano is
11 years ago
worrying again, fidgeting with his sleeves. He walks in alongside Alfred, speaking quietly with the nurse.
11 years ago
carefully takes the bag from Alfred, handing it to the nurse. He's giving her very important instructions in murmured Italian. Mostly about how Maddy likes to sleep on her blanket, hugging her rabbit.
11 years ago
huffs a little, reminding the nurse about where she likes to be scratched, and how she needs to be cuddled before bed, despite letting Alfred drag him away.
11 years ago
grumbles softly under his breath, glancing back at his nurse. He had to go home and wait..and wait and wait. He'd go crazy.
11 years ago
huffs softly. ", okay." Maybe they'd just walk around until they found a pub. He had too much nervous energy as it was.
11 years ago
nods. "Si...there's a pub 10 minutes from here."
11 years ago
heads off in that direction, trying not to think. Or rather think of something else. "How are you and..." Uhhhh shit...uhm. "Mark..?"
11 years ago
flushes a little. "Right, sorry. That's good..."
11 years ago
bats at his hand, more from habit than anything at this point. "Well...buono. So long as you're happy."
11 years ago
huffs softly as he turns a corner. "What? I'm just saying...that.." That he wanted Alfred to be happy. It's what friends did.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes but smiles. "Grazie..." He wonders if he should mention Gabriel. That's just confusing as hell.
11 years ago
decides to give it a whirl anyways. "So...what do you think of Gabriel?"
11 years ago
sighs. Far from an angel. So far. "Portugal. Antonio's brother." Alfred and Antonio shared enough history to know each other, so that was hopefully a safe connection.
11 years ago
flushes at that. exactly his problem. "Uh..." Hell. "Si..I suppose."
11 years ago
nods. Maybe the romantic advice is better left to Eliza... "Not surprising.."
11 years ago
hums. "Well you can come visit me." He thinks it might be because Alfred is so young, but he's a superpower now.
11 years ago
scowls at that. "I'm not cute, dammit!" Fuck. He wasn't, he was...he was head of the fucking mafia, how was that shit cute?
11 years ago
nudges him, huffing. "I'm not!" He turns another corner, heading into a quiet pub. "Come on.."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes, heading to the bar. He orders simple breadsticks, and a beer each in Italian.
11 years ago
smiles at him a little amused. "I already did. Do you want anything else to eat?"
11 years ago
hums softly. He orders a plate of bruschetta. "I ordered a little more. It's like..." Uh. "Toast. With toppings."
11 years ago
leads him over to a small booth, slipping inside. It's cozy, and their beers get there the second he sits down.
11 years ago
sips at it as well. "Si...I suppose so." The food comes, and he brightens up a little as he starts to munch.
11 years ago
flushes again at that. "Uh...spending time with..Gabriel..I guess."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Well. Europe's economy is kind of a shitbox right now. But.." Geez. "I think..he might be. We might..." Uh >//<
Romano wonders
11 years ago
if that's an out at all. "" Uhm. "So. Yea.." He was the worst. "I think we might have a...a thing."
11 years ago
blushes. "No, no. Not that. Like..." He takes another sip from his beer. "I think he's interested. In me."
11 years ago
blushes hard at that, choking on his beer. "A-Alfred! Don't just..say shit like that!"
11 years ago
swallows hard. " I guess."
Romano is
11 years ago
absolutely red, he's trying to make himself speak. "I...Alfred!" Dio. He's covering his face at this point, so completely embarassed.
11 years ago
huffs. "No. I mean...well." He huffs again. "I don't...I don't want to go into this if I'm still hung up on Antonio."
11 years ago
doesn't think it is. He does kind of have feelings for Gabriel, but...augh he doesn't know. He drops his head into his hands, unsure what to do.
11 years ago
glances up at him. "But you have Matthew..."
11 years ago
hums at that. "Oh...then..I suppose I'll try this with Gabriel. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't. Right?"
Romano thinks
11 years ago
that those two have more of a shared history though... " I'll tell you how it goes."
11 years ago
nods. "Si, I will..." He hasn't even noticed the food has arrived for awhile now, and starts to munch on the bruschetta.
11 years ago
still thinks he's a mess, but he supposes he's alright. "Grazie. What about you? Everything going okay?"
11 years ago
nods. "Si, si...and Matthew?"
11 years ago
nods. "Si...his home is pretty quiet, isn't it?"
Romano thinks
11 years ago
he's lucky. Europe was always a clusterfuck of drama and politics. "Buono. I'm happy for you two."
11 years ago
flushes lightly, but rolls his eyes. "Si, well...whenever you need something."
11 years ago
smiles a little at that. "Well, you're here now aren't you?"
11 years ago
shakes his head a little. "Well...grazie. I appreciate it very much." He had a lot of family, but it felt like he didn't have many he very much appreciated Alfred, even though he didn't always _
11 years ago
_show it.
11 years ago
doesn't think he'll be able to sleep. "Si, si...I'll be okay. I don't want to keep you any longer, you probably have things to do, si?"
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