11 years ago
[whining dot mp3]
latest #10
11 years ago
ah yes the good old past time of getting told i ruin everything and that being around me makes someone angry
11 years ago
or being told that my opinion doesn't matter and my feelings aren'
11 years ago
t valid because "you have no power over me"
11 years ago
yeah but you're always so fucking quick to show me what kind of power you've got over me when you break my glasses or choke me
11 years ago
you're always so quick to make sure i know that you could take my shit at any time and say that i was doing something wrong and our parents would be fine with it
11 years ago
i'm so tired of feeling like i don't have a voice here because any time i try to voice a concern i get told "you have to accept it"
11 years ago
fuck that, fuck this, i don't have to accept jack shit i might sit here and pretend to with a smile but i will never accept it
11 years ago
and you'll just have to accept that i won't be around any longer than i have to be once i can get the means to leave
11 years ago
i'm sitting here with a lump in my throat because i have to hold back all of my frustration and hurt feelings just so i don't get called names or made fun of
11 years ago
and i am so sick of it
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