dengan hidung pesek, kulit gelap?
Am I like them, too? haha
what is funny?
what makes you feel that Indonesian girls are good?
they help me talk indonesian , my indonesian is suck 3 years ago
suck? can you translate it to bahasa Indonesia?
ooo.... buruk... haha
oke thank you... I recently know...
mmm... hard to study bahasa indonesia cause the structure in english and bahasa Indonesia are different. do you think so
even... sometime I'm confused study it.. oooh
hahah proud to be indonesian girls
like mee
kk dewi juga
hihihi.... kok kk sih? emang tuaan aku ya?
15 tahun kan??
aku baru 14
hi girls
hay hay.. salam kenal
nz to chat with you
me too
haha yeah
oh yeah... Brussels is Europa? right?
hm... sorry... I cannot understand your latest respon david
oke... no problem... do you have any problem with your bro?? if yeah.. solve it now!
oooh... oke... is he older than you?
ooo... in Indonesia you can call riky as your "adik"
haha.... oh yeah.. how's your old?
ooo.... kakak beradik dilarang berantem! ahaha
lets go home and fight now ! get in your car !
are you in different place?
so, why do you perang mulut on plurk.. not directly? haha
can you back here ? miss you bro
alright dave
thanks bro you can message me
RikySmith : ... yeah... I laugh because read your fight with him... it's funnylll
hahaha yes really funny, always like that everyday
hihihi.... how's about your parents? they course have headache... haha
they always work never at home
ooo... you both in the home?
mom and dad at spain, we here just holiday
ooo..... ... ... .. do you both ever visit jawa island?
what's the name of the city?
really??? I stay in Yogya riky...
oooh... I know.. you visit malioboro there..
I ever visit malioboro and buy nothing... cause I didn't bring many money... ahhaha
yes.... just for walking
yes.. I think it is so embarassing
nothing... lomba ketawa aja ;d
no, they're HOT
and you know what? they are almost perfect
why are you writing "perfect or no"?
we not perfect just only god is perfect
only God has the perfection... not ours
I said "almost perfect", not real perfect
i'll tell her dave
okey stop this i love this face okey stop that dont tell her !!
Dewi : my mom always slap me when i say i hate this face
sorry... I mean : whose ?
she think this face is awesome
cause girls just like my face
hihi.. oke... oh yeah.. do you have a facebook account or twitter?
oh oke... hihihi
btw.. where are you studying?, in brusel there is a statue of child
ooo... okey... child who was urinating.. you know?