茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
when i say i want to quit. there is still some struggle where i have so many commitment to bear.
latest #15
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
but when i think of how happy and relief in my heart then i decided to change it to gain my happiness
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
there is so many things that might hold me back especially when i feel that i have so many responsibilities.
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
but yet. its all this a neccessary? its all this my real responsibilities?
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
to be a good and nice person in other people eye is one of the trick that fool myself..in fact..i feel unbalance inside..
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
i jyst don want to be a bad and selfish person in other peopke eyes and yet the true me is actually not everything i do i do it willingly..
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
all this is just a trick to protect myself for getting hurt feeling...funny isnt it.. (doh)
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
well. there is wound in my heart. i knew it but just supressed it..and this is no good for my own self...
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
the most chanllanging work in this world is to admit and face your dark shadow..when you really connect to you own heart... (worship)
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
and i have decided to take off the mask....in fact i really have no idea what wwill be waiting for me after i quit....
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
but yet now i want to have faith and trust and surrendered to it.. some will wonder its a risk to just go off like this..but..
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
i am a real risk taker...hahaha....
aoi-momo says
11 years ago
能夠面對自己的感覺是好事 .... 雖然我不知道你的reaponsibility 是什麼但做好自己已足夠 .... we can't please everyone
茉莉Honey says
11 years ago
thank you aoi. its just the right time to move on. when ready...i am happy right now and at this moment (drinking)
aoi-momo says
11 years ago
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