[Vic can't cook: A Saga] so close to reaching that famous happy end almost believing this one's not pretend we'll go on dreaming but look how far we've come
latest #39
this has been a plurk about pancakes thank
"Just put them in a pan" Jake said "It's easy" Jake said "not even you can mess this up" Jake said
I think the initial mistake was when I decided to cook pancakes
had to walk past the scout brandishing attempt 4 like "I GOT BETTER"
I think the important thing to remember here is no-one got hurt.
I think the pancakes got hurt quite badly
Well, yes, they're practically war crimes but.
Did you make the batter or was that his?
and to think I was considering making those bear pancakes ages ago oh god could you imagine
in my defence this was his idea
I'm also concerned you seem to be eating them with BBQ dip
No that. They were just in the pizza box I used to display them I didn't eat BBQ pancakes
I'm a cooking monster but an eating tsar ok
lamo amazing it's like amoebas evolving
Oh my god guys this is beautiful
If my cheffery career falls through at least I can go into modern art/microbiology
sullenly makes sandwiches for dinner
I thought they were potato rostis if thats any help
My new art is food cosplay- making food look like other food
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