pghrugbyangel asks
15 years ago
what does "in the Catholic tradition" mean in terms of school? Cause all I remember is a nun and a ruler. And pain....
latest #7
douglasderda says
15 years ago
eat only fish on fridays, confessions during lent and putting change in cardboard rice bowls. Oh yeah and taunting hobos
anthonycloskey says
15 years ago
it's funny you say that, douglasderda. I didn't go to Catholic school, but my friends who did get the biggest kick out of taunting hobos!
CarolineFB says
15 years ago
isn't hobo very un-PC? I have never taunted a hobo.
douglasderda thinks
15 years ago
its very Mac
dahcheet wonders
15 years ago
why he taunted more hobos after he got his Macbook
douglasderda says
15 years ago
the answer is durability
CarolineFB says
15 years ago
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