11 years ago
doesn't have much for the Dane as the last time they've talked might as well have been when the other was still playing Viking. He does have cake, though, and beer to offer.
latest #65
11 years ago
would happily take both with open arms. It was one of his most favourite combinations anyways.
11 years ago
smiles. "Then dig in. The beer's german, but I promise the cake is homemade." He didn't know the other's preference, so he just baked a chocolate one.
11 years ago
chuckled and brought everything to his kitchen table. "I like any kind of cake generally. And German beer is nice and cheap." He left the door open so the other could come in. "Wanna slice of cake?"
11 years ago
walks in, seting everything up on the table. "Sure, I'd love it-- but keep the first slice." He laughs.
11 years ago
nods as he pulled out two plates and two forks. He got out a larger knife than needed and started to cut up the cake, putting a generous amount on his plate. "How much cake do ye want?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Not much, Denmark, a small slice will do." He hums, waiting for it.
11 years ago
nods and cut him out a small slice, putting it on the plate and putting it on the table in front of the other. "Wanna beer too? Or is it all for me?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "All for you, birthday boy." He waves it off, really. "Try not to drink it all at once... But with you, it's hard to say."
11 years ago
chuckled and sat down, opening a beer and taking a sip before nibbling at the cake. "I like when ye visit."
11 years ago
nods. "I'm glad you find me a good company... Or is it just the food I bring?" he jokes, eating someof the cake in small bits.
11 years ago
smirks. "Food and beer is always a bonus. But any visit is nice."
11 years ago
chuckles. "Agreed, although I prefer a good wine." He smiles, nipping on the cake.
11 years ago
hummed as he took another sip of beer. "I can tell. Ye're good for that stuff. I might visit just to have a change of drink."
11 years ago
grins at prospect of a visitor. "You should, and I don't say it just for the Port wine! Alas, you're a better visitor than the Dutch..."
11 years ago
chuckles at that. "Yeah? How'd the most recent visit by him go?"
11 years ago
bites his lower lip. "I... We ended up fighting. Physically." He shrugs, pouting. "But at least he spent a good money on my land."
11 years ago
shrugged as he finished off his cake. "That's what counts, right? At least there's not worse tension between ye two."
11 years ago
... wonders if the Dane is drunk already. "I don't think it can get much worse..."
11 years ago
hums. He was still far from drunk. "He could be terrorizin' yer people. Or spreadin' rumours 'bout ye."
11 years ago
nods. "A valid point. But he did badmouth my brother."
11 years ago
raises his brow. "Still? I guess he can hold a grudge for a long time."
11 years ago
laughs. "A bitter old man with his tulips... At least he likes wine."
11 years ago
smirks. "That guy likes anythin' to drink. Not as much as me, but still. I guess bein' near France does that to ye."
11 years ago
pouts. "don't talk of France as if he's the only one who has bragging rights to wine, if anything..."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "I know ye got yer pride too. France is just closer to him. I don't like France's wine much, really."
11 years ago
smiles a bit at that, some arrogance in the way he straightens his back. "Well, if you don't like his and is willing to try mine... I might as well feel woo'd."
11 years ago
laughs a little as he finished his beer. "I'll visit just to get drunk off yer wine. How's that?"
11 years ago
..sighs. "Fair enough, at least I won't have to hold your hair if you vomit." Come to think of it, he doesn't even remember how the Dane is when drunk...
11 years ago
smirks. "Don't worry, I won't be an embarrassment. I represent Denmark, and I do that well in other countries~ Just not Sweden."
11 years ago
laughs. "Understood. How is he, anyway? You nordics barely show up to meetings..."
11 years ago
shrugs. "We're not missed if we don't show, and don't like to travel that far... but we're fine. I've not heard too much from the Swede but I can tell. Norge's fine too."
Gabriel thinks
11 years ago
that good to hear. "Well, make sure you all don't lose track of time buried in the snow... how is the cake, by the way?"
11 years ago
nods at that before licking his lips. "The cake is great. I doubt I'll have any for tomorrow at this rate."
11 years ago
Tries to hidr a smile, failing at it. "Thanks... Run an extra mile tomorrow, then!"
11 years ago
groans. "I don't wanna. I'll just watch what I eat."
11 years ago
- "Ah, it's your day... Do enjoy it, that's all." He smiles softly, ruffling the other's hair now that Søren is sitting down and he can reach it.
11 years ago
laughs, not thinking the others ruffle would do much to his hair. "I always enjoy my day. I just love havin' fun and drinkin'..."
11 years ago
sets his plate on the counter as he is done eating, leaning agsinst it. "Understood... I suppose you are going to get quite smashed today, then?"
11 years ago
nodded as he opened another beer to drink. "Probably. I love goin' out with my people and just havin' fun."
11 years ago
watches him a bit. "They're great... I should the same on my birthday too, I suppose."
11 years ago
chuckles. "It's the only real way to celebrate. It's the best... everyone is happy and cheerful.
11 years ago
11 years ago
grins. "True, that is. Well, we should set a time to drink together, certainly... I'm a lightweight, so make sure to drink for me in advance."
11 years ago
smirks and shrugs. "Or I can drink when ye start, so I make sure ye get home in one piece."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Works just as well either... As long as you don't have me do anything embarrassing."
11 years ago
hums and shakes his head. "Most I'd do is wanna put a Viking hat on ye. Besides that, ye're not family, so ye're safe."
Gabriel has
11 years ago
never felt so glad before. "Oh, a viking hat? That I can do..." he sighs, then smiles a bit, imagining himself with a hat with those wide horns. Oh dear.
11 years ago
just laughs at the imagine of it. "It'll be fun. Ye can get up and dance on a table too."
11 years ago
...stares pointedly at him.
11 years ago
smiled innocently. He thought it'd be a blast.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. He shall wait then.
11 years ago
hummed a little before getting up and going to find something for the other.
11 years ago
watches him with a little curiousity as to what he was going to do... Was he going to fetch the said damn hat?
11 years ago
doubted he´d be able to find it in his mess of an attic. But he did return with a 6 pack of Carlsberg. 'Here. Early birthday present. In case I forget.'
11 years ago
blinks. "That soon? You sweetheart..." He takes it, placing nearby. "I haven't drank yours in a while, but thank you."
11 years ago
smirks. 'I didn´t want to not give ye somethin´in return. If ye like it enough, just gimme a call. I´ll come and bring ye some more, and take some wine while I´m at it.' He was glad to share his beer with
11 years ago
people, especially when it had a chance to bring more tourists.
11 years ago
raises one eyebrow. "Oh? I'm surprised you like it, but don't wait for me to call then.. Just come get the vine." He kept a small storehouse in the basement of his house, so he had plenty of wine.
11 years ago
would make sure to visit then. 'I´ll try to give ye a warnin´that I´m comin´, but no promises. I like to do things spontaneously, as ye´ve probably figured out by now.'
11 years ago
laughs. "The most that will happen is you catching me asleep, but sure!"
11 years ago
chuckles. 'I´ll have fun wakin´ye up, then. I´m very creative when it comes to that.' He leaned back in his chair after, humming happily to himself.
11 years ago
suppos he learned that waking up Sweden. "Makes sense, but don't overdo it..." Well, what a madman.
11 years ago
smiles and nods. "Ja, don't worry. I wouldn't wanna ruin yer birthday after all."
11 years ago
smiles. "Alright, I'll be waiting for you, then."
11 years ago
nodded at that. "Regardless, I'll enjoy yer gifts. This cake will probably be gone before dinner. Or I might have it for dinner."
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