For AA check-in, it says only artist's & assistants can check-in in the AA line. i was wondering 2 things
1. Can all 5 of my assistants check-in on the AA line, or is there going to be some badge trade for some of them? (they all pre-reg'd btw)
2. Would you mind terribly looking up who I listed as my assistants? I'm REALLY REALLY sorry, but I can't remember who I listed aside from my mom, Jeannine & Justin ; n ;
All the assistants can use the AA check-in.
it's you, Keri, your mom, Justin, and Jeannine.
thank you soooooooooooo much!!
Basically, all 5 of you are listed as "artists" in the database.
you are the best & i can't wait to drink with you i mean see you this weekend ;P
Ah, ok, gotcha. I thought that was it, I was just confused because the AA head's original e-mail about badge trades
Yeah, I saw that. That's also why I mentioned what I did.
Yeah, I just wanted to confirm so I didn't make a mess of things on Thursday haha.
I still have to figure out what the drink of the weekend will be. I've got a few friends who are basically just going to have like.... everything.
Well we'll be bringing some of our own alcohol, so we can like, mix and match
i'll see if justin wants to bring the shit for the panoramic gargleblaster or w/e
In other words: So you can get ME drunk for a change? XD
haha sure
now that we're legal, we don't need to be discreet when we drink haha
Oh man. That's probably like Justin's nightmare: The gf who starts taking off clothes when drunk and the friend who gets horribly flirty when drunk. LOL
omg well he gets really angry & argumentive when he drinks so......yeah not a good combo
Oh yeah, even better then. XD
That's okay. I've been told I get obnoxious and you can't tell me anything.
actually, i'll most likely start crying about how much i miss my cat
haha if you get like that, i may sing for you
In other words, I'm just like normal, except I just stop being nice about it. XD
knowing i'll be able to drink makes me consider wanting to go to the rave...
I know two of the DJs. I gotta head to the opening of Friday to see how wicked Nick looks on stage in his Daft Punk outfit.
the music is always good from what i remember, im always just too shy to enjoy myself so i stopped going
If it wasn't for the fact that I just enjoy dancing and I've stopped caring about dancing with any women there, I'd probably be too damn shy to enjoy it either.
that's why alcohol is great haha
excuse me i don't get angry when i'm drunk unless someone is wrong.