if you'd like him to use his knife to scratch you. he promises it'll get rid of the problem.
will kill you if you bring that knife closer.
sings closer as he brings the knife closer. Ushishishi~
moves away. "Is your foot itchy too, Squa-senpai?"
points his sword at him. "Voii! Fuck off!"
laughs. "The prince doesn't know how to~"
sneaks under and wraps his arms around Squalo into a hug. "Squa-senpai~!"
thrashes his arms. "What the fuck do you want?!"
squeezes his arms even tighter around Squalo's waist. "Senpai noticed me~!"
facepalms and steps on his foot.
yelps. "Senpai no." He bites his lip and looks at Squalo sadly almost betrayed. </3
what the hell do you want?
the prince just wanted to play with you, is that wrong?
glares. "Yes that is wrong....considering how your definition of play is fucking annoying."
pouts. "Squa-senpai, come on and play with me!" He's ignoring what you just said because thats aside his purpose right now.
pushes him away. "Go read a book or something."
crosses his arms. "Why would the prince read books?"
shrugs. "to educate himself... How the fuck should I know? go entertain yourself."
got bored playing with himself! "The prince wants Squa-senpai to entertain him~ shishi~" he smiles, come on be nice.
you know he isn't an entertaining person.
could say otherwise, if you weren't then the prince wouldn't be coming to you in his time of need.
go polish your knives or something.
already did. Stop trying to get out of this, the prince won't let you. He starts pulling you forwards.
pulls his hand back. "I already told you I don't know how to fucking entertain you!"
can teach you! "Squa-senpai stop acting like an old man!" He takes your hand and pulls hard in protest like a stubborn child to their parent.
takes his hand back. "fine! Fucking brat.. What do you wanna play?"
grins happily. "The prince saw an interesting show today and he wanted to try it out!" Aka super excited prince mode activated.
knew he was gonna regret this. "what show....?"
beams out with child-filled excitement. "Adventure Time!!" If you want he could go on and on about how blasted wicked it was.
holds on to Squalo's leg as he walks away.
kicks. "stop bugging me."
mouths out with puppy eyes. "senpai notice me." He's not letting go, in fact, he plans on living on top of you and he doesn't plan on paying rent either.
slams him against the wall, hoping he would let go.
didn't realize how intimate this was getting. At least take the prince on a date first, jeez.
whispers, "please be gentle."
shivers. A what? Date? He grabs a vase to smack Bel's head with it.
laughs nervously. eh? did this reach a level of kink? "Yeah the prince isn't interested," he says, placing his hands on Squalo's shoulder. "Don't make the prince scream rape, Squa-senpai."
shouts back, "what the fuck?!"
pushes Squalo's shoulders. "Squa-senpai, this is sexual abuse, the prince doesn't like this." He pushes his body downward against the wall behind him.
pushes him away in disgust. "I'm leaving."
walks away as quickly as he can so he can vomit