11 years ago
[Event]helps a few of the doctors by making runs to the front line to help some of the wounded soldiers.
latest #138
11 years ago
passed her a medical kit that was refreshed with supplies to give to the doctor's who had a low supply. " Here. The area over there needs them stat." She herself was needed nearby as well.
11 years ago
nods as she takes the kit, quickly turning to head back to the lines to take it to the other tent. She steps over some debris and passes the med kit along. As she returns to the main tent, she sees an injured-
11 years ago
soldier and helps him up enough to stumble to the medical tent.
11 years ago
finished off treating another casualty before seeing her and the injured soldier. She set up a spot for the soldier to lay down before going to treat him herself.
11 years ago
blinks at her, used to some of the other doctors who would only treat patients who were in really bad shape. "Need any help?"
11 years ago
treated everyone and that soldier the other brought in would be bad shape if they didn't treat him. She figured some cases were quick to get over with so others could use the freed up room after. " I'm okay_
11 years ago
_ for now. Check on the others since they seem to need support." She was more used to working alone.
11 years ago
usually worked on her own as well. She nods and resumes her duties, assisting others when needed.
11 years ago
continued to treat others and move those that were done treated out before bringing more injured in.
11 years ago
makes another run to the front line, helping pull a few of the badly injured to the main tent.
11 years ago
worked diligently as she didn't stop or skip a beat. She was glad the battle seemed to wane by now.
11 years ago
makes sure that all the seriously injured are being treated before being to treat a few minor injuries.
11 years ago
sent the doctors and medics with less experience to deal with the less serious cases. It was easier for someone to screw up if they didn't know what they were doing.
11 years ago
notices the changes and switches to a more serious case. She had the experience to help the more severely injured.
11 years ago
had been working for so long that she had to take a break eventually and asked for someone to switch with her.
11 years ago
One of the doctors tries to give Gjretrud a break but she ignores him and keeps working.
11 years ago
saw that and tapped on her shoulder, " Do you mind coming with me? We should have more than enough people working."
11 years ago
glances at her for a moment before turning back to her work.
11 years ago
sighs, " If you end up passing out, you're going to create more trouble." She reminded the other.
11 years ago
nods. "I know better than to push myself too hard."
11 years ago
chuckles, reminded of her own stubborness. " Then come with me. I need to check on the supplies and I can't do it alone."
11 years ago
frowns a little and glances around. Pretty much every patient was being treated. She sighs before moving away. "Fine."
11 years ago
smiles and led the way after, " Tak." She started to reorganize the supply tent, seeing how messy it was now.
11 years ago
follows her and starts to help clean the tent.
11 years ago
thought this would be less stressful at the very least.
11 years ago
didn't mind stress.
11 years ago
thought it was both a good and a bad thing. She pass the other a bottle of water after, " Stay hydrated." She reminded the other in a thoughtful manner.
11 years ago
glances at the water for longer than is necessary. "Thanks."
11 years ago
smiles as she gave a nod while putting certain boxes back to where they should have been. " Can you grab the charts for the boxes and start ticking off which supplies are in most demand?"
11 years ago
nods and grabs a few charts, checking inventories. She preferred doing more hands on help but she didn't mind doing things like this.
11 years ago
thought it was more calming and a change in routine rather than the usual blood and guts spewing everywhere.
11 years ago
...didn't mind the blood and guts. She was used to it.
11 years ago
couldn't read minds obviously but she wanted to at least ease a mind or two. War wasn't pretty for sure.
11 years ago
moves to another box, marking a few totals.
11 years ago
put everything in order as she did an inventory check on her own side of the tent.
11 years ago
keeps a list of items that needed replacing as she finished up her side.
11 years ago
glanced over to the other as she was just finishing up as well. " I can pass them on to the person in charge. Everything should be accounted for."
11 years ago
nods and passes the paperwork to her.
11 years ago
thanked her after as she looked through it, just to double check.
11 years ago
..."I'll be returning back to the medical tent."
11 years ago
glanced over, with an affirmative nod with no objections " Alright. I'll see you in a bit then."
11 years ago
nods and starts walking back.
11 years ago
went back to the tent after she was done. She wondered if he other had gone straight back to work.
11 years ago
had gone right back to work, a few other nurses watching her.
11 years ago
decided to watch as well seeing she had nothing better to do.
11 years ago
notices everyone watching her and glances at the others. "..."
11 years ago
laughs at that, knowing the other was probably uncomfortable and had them deal with an assortment of tasks so she didn't have to be watched.
11 years ago
resumes her work, trying to ignore the other nurses.
11 years ago
kept an eye on her just in case. She went through the charts of the worst cases first to see what other treatment could be done.
11 years ago
could handle things just fine on her own.
11 years ago
could tell but she always had an extra precaution for everything. Being two steps ahead was a personal preference.
11 years ago
moves to another patient, still avoiding talking to any nurses more than necessary.
11 years ago
thought she was a rather interesting young woman.
11 years ago
didn't think she was. She just was herself.
11 years ago
stretched as things seemed to have calm down by now in her own opinion. There were only one or two injured soldiers coming in.
11 years ago
notices that all of the patients were being helped. She checks the time and figures that she should eat or sleep soon.
11 years ago
popped by as she was getting together all the reports and lists she had to hand in. " Go and take your break. Roll call will be later in the evening."
11 years ago
nods and starts to walk towards the mess hall.
11 years ago
did the final check ups as she passed her duties to another doctor in charge before going to hand in her own reports and such.
11 years ago
sits by herself in the mess hall, glaring at a few men who tried to sit nearby.
11 years ago
plopped right down next to the other with an optimistic grin as she shooed off the other males. " Found you~"
11 years ago
stares at her, a little surprised, before returning to her meal.
11 years ago
smiles as she started eating as well, " You feeling alright there? Sorry about earlier since I should have stopped people from watching you."
11 years ago
shrugs. "I don't really care."
11 years ago
blinks, " You sure? You seemed pretty bothered by that earlier."
11 years ago
"They have more important things to be doing, that's all."
11 years ago
smiles, " That's it? I thought they were all amazed by your skill like I was."
11 years ago
eats in silence, not really knowing how to react to that.
11 years ago
ate contently, wanting to be good company. " I think you're a good person. A skilled one too in my opinion from all those that I've seen from the field."
11 years ago
nods slowly. "Thank you."
11 years ago
smiles warmly at that, " No need to thank me. Just take pride in the work you do."
11 years ago
finishes her food in silence. She wasn't used to being complimented.
Dorthe was
11 years ago
quite bubbly about it as she liked to encourage others. She finished her food watch the other happily. " So how long have you been working here?"
11 years ago
"I started at this base a few months ago but I can't remember when I joined the military."
11 years ago
nods, " So you're new and already adjusted to it so well? I wish I could be as good as you. It's still hard for me to sleep with all the sounds you hear day in, day out."
11 years ago
frowns for a second. "I am not new, I used to serve on a base at the old line. I am used to the sounds."
11 years ago
chuckles, " I meant adjusting to the different areas. The sound vary from place to place and are never the same."
11 years ago
shrugs. "It all sounds the same to me."
11 years ago
smiles, " That's good. I'm probably the one that's most sensitive to all the sounds. It terrible really." She admitted wistfully.
11 years ago
starts to stand up, picking up her dishes.
11 years ago
followed her after, doing the same seeing she had nothing better to do. " Are you heading back to work after?" She was curious seeing the other was so hardworking.
11 years ago
nods. "My break is over."
11 years ago
frowns, " Just be careful that you don't overwork." She didn't want to see the other sick.
11 years ago
puts her dishes away and nods. "I know better than to do that."
11 years ago
chuckles, " Good. I've seen more cases than not of medics and nurses doing that." She put away her own dishes as well.
11 years ago
starts walking back to the medical tent. "I am not like that."
11 years ago
stayed beside the other, " I know. I can tell you're a veteran."
11 years ago
nods slowly as she walks. "I am."
11 years ago
smiles, keeping quiet after. She didn't really want to rant but she could tell the other's interest in her was waning.
11 years ago
had little interest in things other than working. Though she didn't mind talking with Dorthe, she just wasn't very good at socializing.
11 years ago
glanced over to the other after a while, " Do you come from the North as well?"
11 years ago
blinks at her. "Of course I do. Everyone here has."
11 years ago
nods, " I meant like northern parts of the country. Not everyone is born here though, some are immigrants."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "My parents were from the far north. I was born near the village this war started at."
11 years ago
nods, " Which village? I've lived around these parts for a while now."
11 years ago
"Oslo. It was destroyed in the first battles." ((And I have zero imagination right now orz))
11 years ago
nods slowly, " It was a pretty town. I remember visiting it often when I was younger." ((Dun worry. I don't have any imagination either xD))
11 years ago
nods very slowly, her attitude growing colder at talking about her home town.
11 years ago
could tell, " Have you visited Copenhagen? Its a bit more south."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "I haven't had the chance."
11 years ago
smiles, " Its close to the water and where I was born. It used to be a fishing town but now a days they're turned it into a military harbour. I can show you it when the war is over if possible."
11 years ago
glances at her before looking back to the path. "That might be nice."
11 years ago
nods, " It'll be a change in scenery at the very least." She joked lightly.
11 years ago
didn't bat an eye at the joke but nods. "Yes."
11 years ago
smiles more, " A lot less gloomier too probably."
11 years ago
walks to the medical tent and steps inside. "I suppose."
11 years ago
followed behind the other to not obstruct the entrance. " Do you like the sea by any chance though? I know Oslo was by water too."
11 years ago
nods slowly. "Water is nice." She pauses before starting to do some nightly rounds. It was usually slower at night.
11 years ago
followed beside the other, still on break but chatted up some patients. " Have you ever gone sailing then?"
11 years ago
checks the pulse of a patient. "Not that I remember but I probably have."
11 years ago
smirks, " I think we can go some time since there's a nice lake nearby."
Gjertrud has
11 years ago
to recheck the pulse. "I would like that."
11 years ago
checked the other arm to confirm it. " Then how about in a few days when there aren't any operations or battles taking place?"
11 years ago
glances at her, surprise visible on her face. "You mean... so soon?"
11 years ago
nods, " Why not? The weather seems to be really good these days so might as well make the most of it."
11 years ago
never really did anything off duty... "I will have to think about it."
11 years ago
smiles, " Alright. Give me a heads up soon so I can borrow the boat. The lake is owned by our side but its better to get permission sometimes."
11 years ago
nods, slight frown on her face.
11 years ago
glanced over, " What's wrong?"
11 years ago
shakes her head. "It's nothing."
11 years ago
smiles, " Alright then."
11 years ago
moves on to the next patient, checking his vitals.
11 years ago
stuck around seeing she had nothing better to do.
11 years ago
finishes her rounds and looks around the tent to see if anyone needed any help.
11 years ago
thought everything seemed okay for now. They were either tired or passed out.
11 years ago
takes one final look around before getting ready to leave.
11 years ago
looks over to her, " You resting for the night?"
11 years ago
nods. "Don't want to overwork myself after all."
11 years ago
chuckles, " If you say so. I'll walk you back since I'm hitting the hay for the night as well."
11 years ago
shrugs and starts to walk towards the nurses tent.
11 years ago
followed beside her in the meantime.
11 years ago
doesn't say anything as she walks.
11 years ago
didn't mind it at all
11 years ago
didn't feel like talking now. She was still kind of tired from all the talking before.
Dorthe was
11 years ago
quiet for the other out of respect.
11 years ago
appreciated the quiet. She walks to the nurse tent and pauses. "Good bye."
11 years ago
waves, " Godnat." She smiles before starting to head back to her own resting place.
11 years ago
nods and steps inside the tent, moving to her area quietly so as not to disturb the nurses who were already asleep.
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