GingerLewman says
11 years ago
Been at the airport 30min. Just saw that Kevin checked in. He's not as nervous flying as I am. I think his calm is experiential based.
latest #11
11 years ago
Have a good time!
11 years ago
You two have a great trip!
LisaNWOSU2000 says
11 years ago
Have a great flight!!!!
11 years ago
(wave) Have a nice trip!
dmcordell says
11 years ago
Fabulous adventure, for both you and the students with whom you'll interact :-)
shirky17 says
11 years ago
Safe travels
LauraS says
11 years ago
Safe travels and have a great time!
mindelei says
11 years ago
You'll be fine - Nigel's first flight ever was from AUS to the US. His layover was in Tokyo.
GingerLewman says
11 years ago
26-ish hours later, we're in a wonderful living room here in Christchurch. GREAT long flight.
LisaNWOSU2000 says
11 years ago
mindelei says
11 years ago
Glad you enjoyed it!
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