11 years ago
[Event]finished her daily duties and walked towards a forest a short distance from the Laurasia camp. It was her favorite spot to relax when there was a slow day.
latest #96
Søren was
11 years ago
wandering around quietly. He liked having a place to escape to.
11 years ago
settles down under a tree and pulls out a book. She knew it wasn't completely safe to wander off but most people stayed in their camps.
11 years ago
kept quiet as he walked, but he noticed the movement in the distance. He brought up his gun and quietly walked towards the figure.
11 years ago
opens the book and starts to read.
11 years ago
got closer but accidentally stepped on a branch, cursing as it cracked loudly.
11 years ago
snaps the book shut and places a hand on a gun at her side. "Who's there?"
11 years ago
hid behind a tree, trying to figure out which side she was on.
11 years ago
had her nurse uniform on and a small Laurasian patch on her shoulder. She tucks her book away and tightens her hold on her gun.
11 years ago
caught site of the uniform and lowered his gun before emerging from the tree. He never felt threatened from nurses or anyone in the medical department.
11 years ago
notices the movement and holds her gun up in his direction, eying him for a uniform or any injuries.
11 years ago
held his hand up as a bit of a greeting. "Hej." He didn't have a Laurasian patch on him, but his uniform was pretty beat up. There was no signifier to show who he was.
11 years ago
narrows her eyes at him. "Who are you?"
11 years ago
smiled as he stood at a bit of a distance from her. "A soldier. I got seperated from the group when we were on an advance, and got caught up in an ambush."
11 years ago
doesn't lower her gun. "Which army are you with?"
11 years ago
smiled a little. "The one and only. Laurasian."
11 years ago
"Why should I believe you?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "Wouldn't I have shot ye other wise?"
11 years ago
...starts to lower her gun. "Was there anyone injured in the ambush?"
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Not that I know of. I ran because I was so outnumbered. I know when to run..."
11 years ago
frowns and starts to walk past him. "Maybe we can get a rescue party..."
11 years ago
nods a little. "There were quite a few... I could show ye where it was, or do ye wanna get another group first?"
11 years ago
"Let's go back to camp and get a group in case the enemy is still around."
11 years ago
nodded as he kept close to her, following her footsteps.
11 years ago
starts back to camp in a hurry. She wanted to make sure they could help the ambushed unit.
11 years ago
kept close to her but also kept an eye out for anyone else. He still felt a little open here.
11 years ago
leads the way back and approaches one of the units she knew wasn't assigned to the lines right now.
Søren was
11 years ago
a little hesitant as he walked with her, but he kept up his apperance.
11 years ago
glances back at him. "You still know the way, ja?"
11 years ago
nods. "Back to the ambush, ja. I have a great memory."
11 years ago
nods before walking up to one of the unit commanders to ask for help.
11 years ago
stayed with her though was still alert. He knew he'd be needed to find the way back.
11 years ago
The unit commander starts gathering a group of soldiers and Gjertud turns to Soren. "Start leading the way."
11 years ago
nodded and strapped his rifle over his shoulder before heading back into the forest to the spot.
11 years ago
follows close behind with the unit. She was going to stay with the group to help anyone who had been injured.
11 years ago
got to the spot after a small hike, glancing around. He noticed some blood on branches and leaves, but didn't spot anyone as of yet.
11 years ago
frowns and moves a few branches to check for bodies in the bushes.
11 years ago
almost stepped on one, but quickly crouched and checked their pulse. "Nurse, over here!"
11 years ago
rushes over and quickly opens her bag, pulling out a few things and starting to treat him.
11 years ago
did what he could to help, mostly moving dirt and debris from the wounds so she could clean them easier.
11 years ago
frowns. "He's in bad shape... We need to get him to a med tent."
11 years ago
nods a little. "I can carry him." He carefully picked up the soldier, trying not to get him in more pain.
11 years ago
glances around more before turning to Soren. "How many were in your unit? What if there are more injured?"
Søren was
11 years ago
slowly heading back. "About 7. 5 more could be out there."
11 years ago
nods slowly. "Get him back to the med tent and I'll see if I can help find more."
11 years ago
nods as he headed off, being careful of where he walked. He was curious if she'd only help the Laurasia soldiers...
11 years ago
finds another injured soldier and starts to treat him. "Fou-..." She stops mid yell and rips the patches off his uniform before treating him again. If she got caught treating one of the enemy...
11 years ago
would be thankful if he knew that, for many reasons. He knew war was deadly, but it shouldn't cherish one life over another.
11 years ago
figured she'd just dump him close to the other camp when she got him stable.
11 years ago
got the soldier to the base and into a medical tent. He ran quickly back to the group to see if he could help more.
11 years ago
frowns as she treats the enemy soldier. He was in really bad shape...
11 years ago
found her and started helping. "This one's bad..."
11 years ago
nods slowly and glances around to make sure no one else was around. "Was he in your unit?"
11 years ago
wiped some blood from his face to look at him in more detail. He was familiar, but he didn't remember from which unit. "Nej... I... I don't think so."
11 years ago
frowns and pulls out the patches. "I found these next to him..."
11 years ago
tensed a little when he saw them before smiling a little and closing her hand over them. "It's good to know not everyone is bitter. But keep 'em in yer pocket. If I'm found with 'em, I'll be shot on sight."
11 years ago
blinks at him. "What do you mean?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "He can't go to our camp. And if he's put near the enemy camp he might be killed. Ye'll need to put them back on him for security."
11 years ago
narrows her eyes. "You said you would be killed if you had them on you."
11 years ago
((..... best spy ever.))
11 years ago
narrows her eyes. "You said you would be killed if you had them on you."
11 years ago
((There are so many plurk bloopers from alternate characters it's beautiful))
11 years ago
nods a little. "I just want to help him. If I do anythin' with an enemy, I'm dead. Ye have much more leeway."
11 years ago
growls under her breath. "No, I'd be shot dead if anyone figured out I was helping them."
11 years ago
sighed and took the patches. "I'll take my chances then. Just make sure he's stable."
11 years ago
frowns and resumes treating him. "I don't know if I'll even be able to..."
11 years ago
nods a little. "Is there anythin' I can do to help?"
11 years ago
hesitates before pulling out more supplies. "Hold his leg. Carefully..."
11 years ago
took his gloves off so he could get a good grip, holding it firmly in place.
11 years ago
frowns. "I'm going to have to amputate it to isolate the infection."
11 years ago
frowned before looking at the soldiers face. He was so young too... "Are ye sure...?"
11 years ago
nods slowly. "If we're not going to be able to get him to a med tent, it's his best hope."
11 years ago
chewed his lip lightly. "... I think there's a neutral town near here. If ye help treat him, I'm sure the town will let ye use supplies they have."
11 years ago
frowns and clenches her fists. "Even if I were willing to do that, if I don't get back to camp soon..."
11 years ago
nods. "Just quickly help. I'll look for a medic in town to take over so ye can get back. Ye can say we were lookin' for more of the unit and I'll be back later after doin' a final check. Ye're needed more
11 years ago
at base than I am anyways right now."
11 years ago
nods and reaches in to his pocket to pull out the enemy patches and hands him a Laurasian patch. "They won't let you back in without it."
11 years ago
took it and nodded. "Tak." He put it away quickly before helping the injured soldier and headed for the town.
11 years ago
frowns and hesitates before following him.
11 years ago
knew that war came with great sacrifice, but he'd do all he could for an individual. He was thankful to find the town and quickly explained the situation to someone from the town, and they showed them the
11 years ago
small medical tent that had been set up for soldiers of both sides.
11 years ago
walks with them and makes sure he is taken care of.
11 years ago
got the soldier settled into a bed and would do all he could to help the nurse save him.
11 years ago
frowns and starts treating him again, glad for the extra supplies and help.
11 years ago
thought that being in an actual tent would help too since there was no environment to deal with.
11 years ago
sighs quietly after a bit and steps back. "He's stable now..."
11 years ago
smiles a bit. "Great job. Ye're a wonderful nurse." He attached the patch onto his uniform with some extra supplies around. "We should get back."
11 years ago
cleans her hands and places the enemy patches next to the soldier. "Thanks..."
11 years ago
headed out, looking back to the soldier once more before leaving for good.
11 years ago
follows him out.
11 years ago
lead the way back through the forest to get back to the camp.
11 years ago
watches him as they walk.
11 years ago
held some branches to the side for her, just so they didn't snap back in her face.
11 years ago
nods in thanks and keeps close to him.
11 years ago
got back to the base, thankful to be on more or less safe ground.
11 years ago
stops and glances at him before starting to walk to the medical tent.
11 years ago
went to go find someone in charge to see what the next plans were, and to see if they could set up a more secure are to stop more ambushes.
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