crissaracer shares
11 years ago
I have been off the grid for a while; :-))What is happening in Plurk-world, friends?
latest #9
rach70 says
11 years ago
just trying to get through the last 6 days of school....
BarbaraLN says
11 years ago
I have just 2 1/2 more days of school. How have you been?
lovesfinefabric says
11 years ago
Not much - too busy during the day. I'm feeling out of the Plurk-loop.
LisaNWOSU2000 says
11 years ago
Skip Z
11 years ago
BUSY here!
mindelei says
11 years ago
I keep jumping on & off the grid... :-)
crissaracer says
11 years ago
mindelei: glad IM not the only one!
crissaracer says
11 years ago
BarbaraLN: crazy busy - ready for things to slow down!
mindelei says
11 years ago
It's hard when life is busy. At least you can access from work when you have a sec. It's just trying to find a sec.
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