11 years ago
knocks on Alfred's door. his conference is over, and he hopes Maddy hasn't been too much trouble.
latest #135
11 years ago
can hear barking, and he does smile a little. He's missed her a lot. Perking up when Alfred answers the door, he gives a sheepish little smile. "Ciao. Sorry for just leaving her here..."
11 years ago
stumbles a little, but can't even bring himself to be annoyed when Maddy runs at his legs, jumping and barking as he pets and tries to settle her. "Si, si, bella. I missed you too okay? I would have brought_
11 years ago
_you, but no pets allowed."
Romano is
11 years ago
glad she's been behaving. "I spoil her, that could be why." He moves to scratch behind her hears, and she rolls over, wiggling for him to scratch her belly instead. "Spoiled." He murmurs, but does it anyways. _
11 years ago
_"You're sure she was behaved?"
11 years ago
nods. "Buono..." Patting her, he pulls back to look at Alfred. "Let me cook something for you as a thank you?"
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Wonderful. I'll make some pasta for you, okay?" Unless he was sick of pasta..
Romano is
11 years ago
happy that Alfred likes his pasta at least, and follows him with Maddy trailing them both.
Romano gives
11 years ago
a pleased hum, and starts pulling the pots and pans that he needs, as well as the ingredients. "Do you have any particular kind of pasta that you would like?"
11 years ago
smiles at that, before shrugging and pulling more things. "A surprise, then." Alfred seemed to like meat anyhow, so something with that much at least.
11 years ago
glances over with a smile as Maddy darts in, jumping around Alfred's legs to be pet. "You're on Maddy duty, how's that?"
11 years ago
smiles a little at them both. "Buono." He puts up a pot of water to be boiled, cutting up spices and vegetables.
11 years ago
watches them both, Maddy licking her mouth everytime she glances at him. The both of them and their bellies... "You can have some of the tomatoes if you'd like. Maddy isn't fond of them, though."
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Well she seems to like carrots just fine. So not all vegetables."
11 years ago
tilts his head a little "Maddy? Are you secretly a rabbit?" There's a bark in response, and he shrugs. "I guess we'll never know."
11 years ago
laughs quietly. "Si, and just as spoiled."
11 years ago
blushes lightly at that. "Ah, well...she's my princess, what can I do, hm?"
11 years ago
smiles. "She's cute." he finishes up the sauce, holding out a spoon for Alfred. "Try some. Tell me what it needs."
11 years ago
smiles at that, and adds a little bit of salt, and some more oregano. "Okay., The pasta's almost done as well."
11 years ago
stands a little straighter at that. "Grazie." He takes great pride in his cooking.
11 years ago
hums, straining it, before sprinkling more oregano. "Almost. It's still hot."
Romano gives
11 years ago
him an amused look. "Si, you're always hungry." He filled a plate with pasta for him anyways. "Wait a few more minutes, okay?"
11 years ago
fills a plate for himself, and pulls out the wine to pour them both a glass as well. Wine and pasta always went well together.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Si, I brought a bottle. That's okay, right?"
11 years ago
shrugs. "It's good to have at least a glass a day. Red wine, though."
11 years ago
shrugs. "Good for your heart, apparently."
11 years ago
nods. "Si. Especially with all that junk you eat when I'm not here to cook for you. Si?"
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "I don't know how you manage to have such a good metabolism."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow at that. "Active? There's active, and then there's..." Alfred. "You."
11 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "Now I'm an oldie?" Well, he was. But Alfred was always calling him 'kid'.
11 years ago
...doesn't get Alfred. "I'm older than a lot of those oldies...."
11 years ago
supposes...that Antonio is a lot older. As well as France, and.. "Well that doesn't make me young. I'm still older than you..." He supposed looking young was a compliment...though.. "Che cosa? I don't act _
11 years ago
11 years ago
swats at his hand. "You're just taller, that's not older! And I don't act young!" Huff!
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "I do say so." He shoves another forkful of pasta in his mouth, humming softly as he chews.
Romano thinks
11 years ago
he would be the one and only person to enjoy that. Antonio was an idiot, so he didn't count. He motions for Alfred to eat his food, seeing as pasta was disgusting when it was cold.
11 years ago
isn't sure what other fun stuff he has on his mind...he's actually a little wary.
11 years ago
can take back the pasta if that will make Alfred feel better...
11 years ago
supposes he'll let him eat it then. He likes watching Alfred enjoy his food anyhow.
Romano has
11 years ago
been thinking of opening a restaurant. He likes cooking, and likes it more when people enjoy his food.
11 years ago
would be happy for that. "Si. Not just pasta, but si a lot of pasta...."
Romano was
11 years ago
thinking to open a restaurant back home. "Home too...But I can give you whatever you want. If you come down, you can eat as much as you want for free."
11 years ago
smiles a little at that. "Buono. You can bring whoever you want as well." He knew about...he was pretty sure it was Matthew.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Si, I suppose." Everyday was dinner in Italy for him. "The canal rides are nice for dates. You should take...uhh." Oh, what was his name...
11 years ago
smiles, amused at the fact that Alfred calls him a boy toy. "Ah, si si. Matthew. I knew that, I'm just bad with names." Or rather just his. Matthew was a nation...right?
11 years ago
would have thought he'd want a proper dessert after the pasta. But it was Alfred... "Si, even more reason to bring him. You can go for a ride through one of the canals. Very romantic."
11 years ago
smiles softly. "Si, it's nice. Especially at night when the stars come out."
11 years ago
figured he would. If not Alfred then perhaps...uh..Matthew would. "Si. You can get someone to play the guitar and sing in the background as well. If you want the whole experience, I suppose."
11 years ago
snorts at that. "A little more romantic, and less stupid...but si. Like that."
11 years ago
nods. "Si, si, more sweet. I'm sure the two of you will have lots of fun."
11 years ago
laughs at that. "Si. I'm sure people tend to do a little more, but if you have company then that would be the line."
11 years ago
shakes his head. "Good. You need someone to make sure you behave." He's teasing him lightly.
Romano gives
11 years ago
him a look. "Mostly. Is pushing it..."
11 years ago
snorts softly. "Of course. When you're not causing trouble..."
11 years ago
bats at his hand. "Alfred. You cause trouble wherever you go. Every single conference is..." He shakes his head.
11 years ago
flushes at that. "I am not ridiculous at conferences!" He is..a little. >>;
11 years ago
grumbles a little. "I just...I usually try to keep Feliciano in check." When he wasn't yelling as much as everyone else, and being an ass to Antonio...he supposed...
11 years ago
flusters, and smacks him lightly on the arm. "Shut up! I'm not as bad as the others, okay? bastard always feeling people up under the table.." Well not anymore since Scotland. "And everyone else_
11 years ago
_creating a fuckin' shit storm..."
11 years ago
huffs at that. "Well...only in my corner! I annoy Feliciano and Antonio, but you're the one that riles everyone up over a...a fucking.." He makes a vague hand motion. "Giant robot." He thinks it's more amusing+
11 years ago
_than anything though. He likes watching Alfred at meetings.
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. It would be...but he's not going to say that. "You're ridiculous."
11 years ago
shakes his head, but he's smiling. "Ridiculous."
11 years ago
swats at him. "I should be in a shitty mood. The conference was stupid."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "So full of yourself." But Alfred was one of the few people that made him smile. Idiot.
11 years ago
swats at him. "What reason is that?"
11 years ago
snorts loudly, shoving him lightly. "You're so full of shit." He's trying to hide his grin though.
11 years ago
starts to grumble, until Alfred mentions ice cream. He then shuts up pretty quick, following more than happily. He whistles so that Maddy bounds into the kitchen behind them.
11 years ago
shrugs. "Whatever ice cream you have." He knows Alfred doesn't have gelato, but his taste in ice cream is pretty good regardless.
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