lilkidtk says
11 years ago
Cancelled fanime cus I was gonna be a good alumni and go to taiko invitationals in sd. Dad decides to fly in from korea the same weekend :[
lilkidtk says
11 years ago
I'm gonna miss both things and parents kinda forcing me to go to korea will make me miss my coworkers wedding which I rsvp'd minths ago
lilkidtk says
11 years ago
Selfish to be angry, yes, still can't help being a little upset that none of my plans mean crap. I'm sorry I have a social life :/
11 years ago
Aww... That sucks! When are you going to Korea?
★彡 a m e
11 years ago
awww so sad ;;-;; /patpat
lilkidtk says
11 years ago
ihitoq late June??