just ely says
11 years ago
You know you spend too much time in SL when. .. you go into a RL life shoe store and ask to try the demo. Yes. I just did this.
latest #15
11 years ago
or ask if they've got it with a different texture or resolution
Izzie Bizzie
11 years ago
❄ annette ❄ says
11 years ago
lololol I wish I was there. should ask if it's resizable too
11 years ago
11 years ago
actually, not so stupid question .. some higher-end shoe stores around here have one display model, and you need to ask a store assistant to try on your size
just ely says
11 years ago
Oh yeah I've had to ask for sizes before but I actually said demo and cringed as I heard it come out of my mouth!
11 years ago
Oh that's classic. Did you ask for standard sizing as well :-P
just ely says
11 years ago
I did want the black and the silver and found myself disappointed that there was no picture change option I admit.
just ely says
11 years ago
Texture change. Stupid phone.
just ely says
11 years ago
I should have asked if my skin match was in the database too lol.
Nimil says
11 years ago
ask them if they have a fat pack
11 years ago
Going to need an add on please.
AvatarBizarre says
11 years ago
I tried to tp across a mall last year. Yeah embarrassing.
❄ annette ❄
11 years ago
"so, does this shoe also come with a sheath for my ankles?" ".... uh... ma'am?"
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