11 years ago
latest #76
11 years ago
Hi thar! Would you mind helping me make this a properly Iris-y text to Dean?
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
no problemo
11 years ago
Hallo! Thank you for helping!
11 years ago
So far the text is really simple:
11 years ago
"In a spot of bother - in a cave NW of CES entrance. Need rescue ASAP."
11 years ago
Nooooooow I just need to Iris it up!
11 years ago
No, wait, scratch the bit about the cave. It can be, "in a building" instead.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
call him cowboy and add <3 <3
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
Iris is pretty brief when she texts
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
and she is secretly thirteen so she absolutely peppers it with chatspeak and emoticons
11 years ago
So: "In spot of bother, cowboy - in building NW of CES entrance. Need rescue ASAP. <3 Iris"
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
spot of bother here cowboy -- shack NW of CES entrance need help <3 <3
11 years ago
Excellent. Thank you!
11 years ago
And one other question - does Iris keep her cabin door locked?
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
she would never ever claim to need rescue, but that might be too fine a distinction for either Dean or Loki to pick up on
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
yeah she does, I'm sorry about that - it's self-locking
11 years ago
Hey, if it's good enough for Dean it's good enough for Loki.
11 years ago
Hm, okay, then the communicator can also end up in Dean's room - is that okay?
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
Thank you!
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
her comm looks like a smartphone made out of polished cherrywood with bone keys
11 years ago
Oh, very pretty!
11 years ago
Much nicer than most of the communicators I've seen here
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
it's absolutely canon too, she has it in the books
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
which pleases me greatly
11 years ago
Wow, lucky! Most people need to make theirs up I think
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
Iris has a thing for craftsmanship and anachronistic tech
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
and knowing her, probably built it herself though the books don't specify
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
also lol, if he has time to scroll through a few of her entries, he'll find out more than she ever wanted him to know about her love life
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
she's not susceptible to blackmail, but it's still probably stuff Loki would be interested to know
11 years ago
Oh, I'm sure he'll look.
11 years ago
If only for the sake of being nosey.
11 years ago
and here is the thread, if you want to keep up with it: lastvoyageslogs.dreamwid...
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
oh, believe me, I am so on it
11 years ago
Meanwhile Loki will go wash his hands a lot after having to write the word "cowboy" as a pet name
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
she named Dean that within two minutes of meeting him
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
also grabbed his arse
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
start of a beautiful friendship.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
and he calls her poptart
11 years ago
Wow. Loki probably gagged when he found that out.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
which I love because it's perfect
11 years ago
she is definitely a bit of a poptart.
11 years ago
And Dean is certainly allowed to be a cowboy, what with those bowlegs.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
Iris feels he's just incomplete without a horse, a Stetson, leather chaps and a rope.
11 years ago
Ah, then he really must meet the Eleventh Doctor, before his Stetson was lost.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
pffft Dean makes a much better cowboy
11 years ago
I imagine that Eleven is pretty top-heavy, what with that forehead. So Dean would probably do better riding a horse anyway.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
LOL yeah
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
also Iris was in the pub when he nicked her comm
11 years ago
Oh dear.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
and I am half tempted to clog up the logpost with a brief "not here" comment about that, but I think I won't
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
I needed somewhere where she would be distracted and not using it and where there would be lots of people
11 years ago
Well, Loki was going to ask Cass for permission to go into the pub when Ren returned
11 years ago
But we pretty much already decided that Loki is allowed into the pub whenever he wants since he can't get drunk off of silly mortal spirits.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
Yeah, I doubt she'd say no
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
hell, Iris'd let him in herself without a second thought if she saw him by the door looking like he wanted in
11 years ago
T_T I'd say it's a terrible idea
11 years ago
But it's not like he can get any more violent just from drinking.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
it's iris policy. she lets anyone in who's not actively trying to set the place on fire
11 years ago
...He might, if he thought it would make Cass unhappy.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
unless their warden has asked for them to be excluded, like Doyle
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
He might, but he won't if he's on a mission to steal a comm
11 years ago
OH HEY another victim. Doyle is off the wagon because Loki wanted to upset Steph.
11 years ago
Very true. And he's a very good, quiet thief.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
That's why I put Iris in the pub. It's the only place where she'd have a chance of being distracted enough for anyone to get away with it
11 years ago
Cheers, then. Thank God for alcohol.
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
people, not alcohol
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
she's a bit drunk almost all the time, that doesn't distract her - a roomful of people will
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
it's the one place where she's watching the people around her enough to not have half an eye on the network
11 years ago
Yay for all the people then!
11 years ago
Also, Dean has asked Iris what's wrong.
11 years ago
Can I just text back, "stuck"?
Lady Stardust
11 years ago
sure, if he still has it
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