Gauxst asks
11 years ago
What is the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for you?
latest #10
11 years ago
date me
K. says
11 years ago
My hubby has done so much I can't pick a 'nicest' thing. Everything from tending to me while I was sick, to listening to me rant any time I need to, to defending me. Perhaps the nicest thing is that...
K. says
11 years ago
He's never given up on me. I can't even put into words how much that means to me.
11 years ago
I divorced right b4 Christmas and ex had the kids. My fam lives 12 hour drive away and I couldn't go. I felt so alone! I got a call from a supplier of mine. I was a buyer at the time. He asked me to
11 years ago
Come over and spend Xmas with him and his family. He knew I would be alone. I cried! But didn't go. I was too sad
11 years ago
11 years ago
My hubby married me and has stuck with me all this time. He's faithful, helps with cooking, laundry. He makes me feel attractive when I really don't, he's a great partner in parenting our Titch.
11 years ago
He takes us on great family holidays and he makes me laugh and makes Titch laugh. He's definitely a keeper.
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