hands her a bouquet of flowers. "for my yuni-chan!"
Smiles and accepts the flowers with a giggle.
smiles back. It's always good to see her in a good mood. He touches her cheek gently. "What are you doing out here by yourself?"
for a minute before answering. "I just come out here alone sometimes." She said constructing another crown.
I'm surprised Gamma let you go out alone...~
nods at this knowing how protective Gamma can be it didn't surprise her Byakuran thought the same.
looks around for gamma. Hm... "this means I get alone time with yuni-chan~!"
giggles and nods. "I guess so." She says finishing the flower crown and placing it on Byakuran's head with a smile.
's hand gently touches the colorful petals on his head. "For me?" ^^
nods looking at him. "Yes." She says a light blush appearing on her cheeks.
kneels down and bows his head. "thank you Yuni-chan~"
pats his head gently and nods. "You're welcome Byakuran."
kisses the back of her hand. "be careful of the thorns."
blushes, smiling slightly at him. "I will."
doesn't want her to get pierced now~
sits back down on the grass and continues making the flower necklaces
floats down next to her, sitting cross legged.
glances up at him every once and a while with a smile
I've been good. What about you, Byakuran?
nuzzles her hair. "bored. But I'm happy to see you again~"
giggles "That tickles." She says smiling.
where is Gamma. It's not like him to leave her alone.
begins humming a little song.
smiles. How peaceful. He rests his head on her shoulder.