Lynn Cullens
15 years ago
Toppings for pancakes?
latest #12
Asthenia says
15 years ago
syrrop (hungry) (or however you write it (unsure))
Asthenia says
15 years ago
syrrup? (doh)
Lynn Cullens says
15 years ago
strawberries and real maple syrup for me, but Im wanting to be creative!
15 years ago
blueberry syrup
SkeletoreSelene says
15 years ago
syrup and whipped cream
Lynn Cullens says
15 years ago
i found a recipe for cornmeal pancakes on the Jiffy muffin package, and I have fresh blueberries...
Zha Ewry
15 years ago
Real Maple Syrup, Lingonberrie sauce, fresh strawberries sliced, and made to weep liquid with sugar and vanilla.
Bevan says
15 years ago
real salted butter and real maple syrup - or if in North Dakota, chokecherry or juneberry syrup
Lewis Luminos
15 years ago
traditional English way - sugar and lemon juice
Bevan says
15 years ago
the French do the sugar and lemon juice one their crepes
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