five days later... and I still don't have my money from lindex..
latest #18
I want to know what the deal is. I'm sure we still can use Virwox. It doesn't flatout say we can't in the TOS, just that we should use it at our own risk.
im pulling my hair out dis is mah job dis makes mah livin
I like being able to send shit directly to paypal.
Taking 5 days to get to paypal then another 5 to get to my bank account is asinine.
EXACTLY. I got a paypal debit card solely for instant money so it's like a kick back a me
I use my bank debit card for RL purchases mostly but my paypal is for online shopping.
IKR first it was "we're looking for verification" now it's "working towards a solution"
All I can think of is Tyra saying "THREE DAYS GO BY."
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