you should check with the host instead of him.
he is most obviously invited then. Cause the party don't start till he walks in.
would roll his eyes if he had the effort to spare.
purses his lips. Why doesn't Xanxus just go get a sense of humor and help out the both of them?"
doesn't help people if it doesn't benefit him.
if the party will be a bang then.
would much rather 'bang' the girls.
him a wry look. That's not what he meant, but good point.
that the girls are out of Skull's league.
thinks 11 years ago
Xanxus isn't one to talk - the guy has never had a proper girlfriend.
never thought about getting one. Relationships are troublesome.
shrugs. They're kind of okay.
doesn't need Xanxus to believe him anyways. He huffs.