sneaks up from behind and hugs him. ^^
shrieks >_<;; a-a sudden attack?!
squishes the poor boy between his arms. "hello tsunayoshi-kun~!"
"B-Byakuran, what are you doing? L-let me go!"
just hasn't seen you in a while and missed you... "I'm hugging you."
But that's not an excuse to hug him out of nowhere. Look, even Natsu is cowering away from him!
isn't hurting you or anything....
takes the chance to tug at Natsu's tail, "gyahahahha!!"
thinks 11 years ago
it's embrassing, being hugged in a place like this. At Lambo's tug, Natsu startled and run away. "Ah, Natsu!"
taking a stroll when he sees a familiar small, orange figure running his way.
cuddles. "tsunayoshi-kun~! Forget him. He'll come back~"
chases Natsu. "Nyeh nyeh!! Run!! Run!!"
struggles, "E-eh? But--" He feels uncomfortable from Byakuran's action. Besides, he's worried about Natsu and Lambo too.
pouts. Can't he get a hug from anyone?
if he hug Byakuran back, will he released?
sees the poor little box weapon running terrified and Lambo chasing him. He grabs the cow child as he runs past him. "Lambo-dono! It is not nice to harass animals." He says in a stern voice. He wonders where-
turns around and hug him back awkwardly.
looks on as Natsu got further away. "Eeehhhhh no fun!!!!" ):
him a stern look before looking around. Tsuna was nowhere to be seen. He will probably be looking for the cub. He calls out to Natsu to see if he could maybe calm him down,-
keeping a good grip on Lambo at the same time.
yells and start kicking, "Let Lambo gooo!!!"
"Uhm... can you let me go now?"
nods and plays with his hair. ^^
"Do you...want to go with me?" Because Byakuran looks bored, he can help him search for Natsu, can he?
tilts his head. "go where?"
stops and looks down. "If I do, will thou stop trying to scare him?"
pouts. "Lambo only pulled its tail..."
, "It's Natsu's own fault Natsu got scared!"
wonders 11 years ago
how he would feel if his fake tail was pulled. Or better yet his hair...
bit his lip, refusing to answer.
nods, realizing that he understood the problem. He sets him down on the ground. "If thou apologizes when we find him, I am sure he will not run away from thee again." He tells him.
doesn't wanna!!!!! /shaking head furiously/ Don't wanna don't wanna don't wanna!!!!
sighs. He really needs to learn some manners. Um...he'll get him grape candy if he apologizes?
takes tsuna to the opposite direction natsu ran off. He's bored.
ωasn't Natsu go there? ><;; /points at ωhere Natsu disappear/
wanted to go arcade with tsuna though.
to search for Natsu first.
pouts. Fine. He'll help...
hears whimpering nearby and looks around. He glances behind a trashcan in an alleyway and smiles when he spots an orange-yellow ball.