K.C. Lin 分享
11 years ago
latest #7
K.C. Lin
11 years ago
"I must start doing research, and pick up what I needed to know as I went along."
K.C. Lin
11 years ago
"While you are swimming and not sinking you should aim for rough water. "
K.C. Lin
11 years ago
"My third piece of advice is probably the hardest to take. It is to forgive yourself for wasting time. "
K.C. Lin
11 years ago
"Finally, learn something about the history of science, or at a minimum the history of your own branch of science. As a scientist, you're probably not going to get rich. "
K.C. Lin
11 years ago
"Your friends and relatives probably won't understand what you're doing. You won't even have the satisfaction of doing something that is immediately useful. "
K.C. Lin
11 years ago
"But you can get great satisfaction by recognizing that your work in science is a part of history.""
11 years ago
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