~Em needs
11 years ago
Opinions please! It's for seriousness D:
latest #23
11 years ago
Last month, Marti got paid over 2500 dollars from working, his dad, and tax returns from the government
11 years ago
He had about 600 dollars of bills to pay, and at the end of the month had no money to pay rent.. I was pretty pissed off cause every week he owes me money for groceries and when I realised he had so much money
11 years ago
I tried to figure out exactly how he wasted 1800 dollars. He borrowed more money from his dad because last Friday he lost his job, so he borrowed the money to pay for rent
11 years ago
He was working for a month and a half before he got fired, and during that time he never closed his unemployment file (like you're supposed to) legally. He just left it open and didnt tell them he started
11 years ago
working. So when he lost his job, he called and did a report as though he had never stopped working and they deposited 1,500 dollars into his account. This is super illegal. I would be sort of okay with it
11 years ago
if he was helping to pay for things we need (like groceries, a washer and dryer, a dishwasher for our new apartment, curtains for himself, a new vacuum cleaner, etc..) except he's already blown 400$ of it on a
11 years ago
trip to Walmart, buying a 3ds XL and a bunch of games, along with going out to the bars and buying drugs with his friends
11 years ago
I can report him. It would make me happy in the way that he'll finally get in trouble for doing something fucking stupid. But I will also feel guilty.. the penalties are pretty bad. You have to pay back 150% of
11 years ago
what they gave you that they were not supposed to give you. in his case, he would have to pay back 3000 dollars, and he would need 50% more hours of work to get unemployment next time
11 years ago
I don't know what to do! What do you guys think?
AriusChambers says
11 years ago
I would think it's best to rat him out, but at the same time, possibly help him to get him to pay it back. like making sure he gets a legit job again or something.
AriusChambers says
11 years ago
no lending money, cuz he would just havta pay you back again which might never happen
AriusChambers says
11 years ago
cuz if he's neck deep into debt, then he might as well live on the streets with the rest of the hobos in downtown. which im sure is not what you want
AriusChambers says
11 years ago
if there is a way for him to be helped so that he can help himself out, then thats fine. but you cant let him go on like this. an intervention if needed or something
AriusChambers says
11 years ago
you are not a mean person, but you do have responsibilities for yourself and your household. if he keeps bringing you down, then cut him out. but in a sense that you know he will do fine on his own
AriusChambers says
11 years ago
making sure he has a stable job, and making sure he doesnt spend on petty things
AriusChambers says
11 years ago
if he had his own place, im sure he would try hard enough to keep it. cuz he was mostly a free-loader right? since he wasnt paying much. so get him to have his own place so he understands the value of money
TheBleedingPoet says
11 years ago
Em you should definitly not take ur chances cuz ifthe goverment finds out he was commiting fraud at ur adress and if they get wind that u knew and said nothing u could get fined and that would just he ridiculou
11 years ago
For you to have to pay because of his irresponsability on top of all the shit he already owes you, like yes it kinda sucks cuz no one wants to be "that guy" but its better you do something then wait for things
11 years ago
To get super bad and blow up in ur face cuz u were worried about looking like the bad guy, but trust me on this YOU WILL NOT BE THE BAD GUY IF YOU REPORT HIM! like real talk seriouseness, its both the right and
11 years ago
Responsable thing to do and After everything that has already happened its MORE than understandable course of action for you to take
11 years ago
Krysta says: maybe you should tell him that you will report him if he doesnt clean up his act and pay you what he owes you
11 years ago
BUT Ace has a point, if they find out you knew and didnt do shit you can get fucked :/
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