11 years ago
OMG CAT. Stop scritching on the food box and begging for food or I will kick you outside into the rain. I FED YOU LAST NIGHT. :|
latest #7
11 years ago
Disclaimer: I probably won't kick the cat outside while it's raining.
cait sidhe
11 years ago
11 years ago
Well, I locked the cat in the bathroom for half an hour and then had to kick him away from the food box for another 20 minutes, but he finally lost inter---
11 years ago
god damn it cat.
11 years ago
you are not starving.
11 years ago
you weigh 12 and a half pounds, so clearly we are feeding you food. :|
11 years ago
and now cordy is getting in on the act and whining for attention. I HATE EVERYTHING.
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