11 years ago
my first free weekend in weeks and everything i try to read or watch is on a scale of substandard to utter crap.
11 years ago
i could excuse a few things at first because maybe i was in the wrong mindset or something, but come on! i have like twenty unread books, ten unwatched movies, YOU CAN'T ALL BE BAD PROBABILITY-WISE.
11 years ago
but whyyyy. why choose this weekend of all weekends to have me pick up things that are just of maddeningly bad quality. what happened to the world while i was off gallivanting with shakespeare and GoT?
11 years ago
or maybe it's me? and i've been exposed to really good stuff (ie shakespeare and GoT) that i have ridiculously high standards now? nope, i have workshop classes. i've been exposed to regular stuff too.
11 years ago
and srsly, a book with phrases like "lackadaisical floor perusal" and "the continued building of the sorts of connective memory bridges" IN THE FIRST FIFTEEN PAGES just sounds wrong, man.
11 years ago
like idek what i'm reading. i'm so done, man, maybe i should just watch skins gen 2 and give myself over to the freddie feels :/