I'm appalled to see people throw their lives and their happiness away that way.
I want to scream at them that they're squandering the gift of life and the gift of time and throwing it away for the sake of some bullshit "heaven"
I'm just frustrated, I don't consider myself an atheist, hell I even believe in an afterlife -but while we're here on earth we're supposed to make the most of our time here on earth...not
"store up treasures for the by and by"
What you think is throwing away happiness is someone else true joy and happiness. It's prospective, yours is different from others. Such is life.
My perspective doesn't involve rounding up impressionable kids and making them swear an oath to throw their lives away for the sake of some magic beans in never-never-land. (
https://www.google.com/s... )
Isn't that their own decision? only because you don't like it does not mean they don't have to either
Honestly in hindsight i wish i had waited for longer lol
It should be their decision, and not something that is pushed onto them by a puritanical religion, not pushed by people with diabolical ulterior motives.
I don't think anyone should be pushed into having sex before they're ready -at all. But the cultural push towards abstinence is alarming and it comes with a lot of baggage I find revolting
Baggage against contreception, defaming and working against women's reproductive rights -a whole host of others that as a RL guy I probably am not even aware of.
A lot of people don't want to. A lot of people are asexual. A lot of people aren't interested in having sex until the "right" person comes along. A lot of people are grossed out by sex because it's gross.
But even if they just don't want to for whatever reason, I'm ok with that.
I still object to the cultural push which has come from the christian right over the course of the last 20 years to enshrine celibacy as a cultural norm. It helps them to justify their stances on LGBT rights
and their stance on reproductive rights
I dislike the cultural push too. But I'm still not going to make it about how they exercise their personal sexuality.
That objection doesn't mean that I think sex should be mandatory and for the love of G-D does not mean that I think people should be pushed or pressured into having sex for any reason
("because it's cool", media pressure, etc)
Do you understand why other people are hurt/offended, though?
GRMcIntyre I don't intend on making it about how any individual excercises their sexuality, no one should be harassed for that, and if it seems like I am flaming anyone for that, I feel bad
What I'm reacting to is the cultural push, and that's what I was reacting to in the other plurk when I talked about it being "a virtue".
It's a touchy subject. People can be really raw about it.
Also, Chandra's a really close friend of mine. One of the closest, in fact. I got really angry when I saw you brush her off.
I know, and I'm sorry for making you angry. I've seen the way she argues, and I didn't think Darkley would appreciate a protracted fight in her plurk -I already feel bad for ranting in what was supposed to
be a light hearted-ish plurk.
I'm not gonna back down on my opinion, the best thing for me to do -from my point of view- was to say "I'm done" and walk out.
It's not just Chandra though - you hurt at least one other person I really careful and am protective of because you made generalizations.
you know people have the right and choice todo whatever they want with their lifes and sex lifes
i expected a lot more from you in terms of respect
being a child av in sl i tought you would understand being respectful and acepting others choices in how they do tings their way
I don't want to hurt anyone, if it comes across as I'm saying "you're bad for being celibate" I'd be happy to apologize
But I still object to what I see the christian right is doing, and I'm not sure how to seperate those two things. I strongly object to their push, I think that the last election demonstrates the toxic end
..that their perspective comes to.
So, on the personal, I do respect people's choices and I don't want to hurt anyone -but I'm not sure how to seperate it out from the Christian bullshit.
the "christian right", I mean.
how whould you feel if i started a thread saying i was disturbed by child avs?
empathy i think you need for once put yoursef in others shoes
it might be hard to understand for you but some people make decisions for themselves witout politics or your level of disgust in mind
I can't count the number of times I've read on SLU how people are disturbed by kid avis. In fact, I decided against turning to SLU for support during the OSGrid fiasco because I knew that the kid avi issue
...would end up tainting any thread I made on the subject, and would have been totally counter productive
..but I'm still at SLU, and still freinds with people I know hate kid avis.
So, IDK how to react. If I hurt someone with my posts in Darkley's thread, I feel bad. If expressing my feelings on my own plurk hurt people...I seriously have no idea what to think.