TammyW says
11 years ago
Please help me brainstorm a list of ways school administrators can use Google forms/spreadsheets. Thanks in advance!
latest #12
msoskil needs
11 years ago
assessment before faculty meeting, anonymous survey of building safety concerns, parent/student surveys to determine perception of mission statement success, figure out who's bringing what for faculty breakfast
TammyW says
11 years ago
Metoskil What a great start to my list! Thanks!
ecctech says
11 years ago
create paperless End of Year checkout for teachers and a classroom inventory. Did both of these yesterday. Answers automatically populate a nice, neat spreadsheet.
nkrahn says
11 years ago
Parent feedback, student feedback, etc. We used ours to sign up for inservice sessions
TammyW says
11 years ago
ecctech Can you give me an idea of what type of questions/fields are on the end of year checkout form?
ecctech says
11 years ago
Checklist of what is required of teachers before summer break. Gives due dates, etc. for turning in tech equip, perm. record paperwork, Prof. Dev., summer contact info. Teachers can mark off as they complete.
cmay says
11 years ago
all the above!
LisaNWOSU2000 says
11 years ago
Parental input to the school, community surveys, high school pre-enrollment for course interest
jtwetten says
11 years ago
Study hall teachers can see which students have late work with which teachers.
deb224 says
11 years ago
we use it for maintenance requests
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