I keep wanting to smash the phone and have a temper tantrum
latest #18
Not even cause of the phone either I just don't wanna deal with creepy old men tonight
Haha literally nothing dude just not bring an adult tbh
But Ish gave me a rice to the station and a cheeseburger (which I'm not supposed to eat but whoops)
So technically it's been a great day!
/chases the creepy old men away with a spear
/sprays up Creep-B-Gone around the perimeter
This isn't Creepy Stalker Guy somehow returned is it?
Nope it's a new creepy guy. I'm good at finding them I guess
In other news I shouldn't be so proud of myself for doing my AC. This is a new thing.
Ps shockingly enough I lived

Live Ava! /
picks up and spins
I can't ever not laugh when you say that because I know how tiny you are lolol
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