admittedly I kind of really enjoy drawing trauma faces but still
I should probably have put him on the nice boat but the opportunity to play out emotional turmoil was too tempting
lmao ib is going on the terrorboat too
it sounded like too much fun >>; at least from a mun's standpoint
I really enjoy rping intense emotions so
even though 5 never deserves this sort of thing I still do it :T
he actually has a lot of friends on the terrorboat so at least he won't be suffering alone?
All aboard the terror boat!
seriously there are a ton of people on it, I was amused to see it was the most popular choice
so at least I'm not the only one who wants to put my character through hell
Blues is gonna be there too isn't he?
Because what does a dying robot need? Moar trauma.
yes exactly! everyone needs more trauma. there is never too much trauma
and y'know obviously samkranti wasn't already hard enough for our characters so they get thrown on a horror ship
I didn't get to do much with Samkranti, so I'm hoping to get a bit more in with this one.
I'm really excited to see how it's going to play out... but I feel like it's going to be totally awesome
and by totally awesome I mean absolutely horrible for our characters
I'm interested to see how Blues will react to this.
I am too, actually. Since he always tries to put on a stoic face and all.
Luckily he is a bundle of emotion underneath that, I'll see how best to work it once the plot get going.

this plot is going to be horrible for Danny
his own trauma wasn't enough. hes going to have hero complex issues over trying to protectr his friends on top of that
oh god ;; and there's no way he's going to be able to protect everyone
I mean it's pretty hard to protect someone from mindfuck, even if he can possibly help stop them from getting hurt physically... and even then idk >>;
The hero complex is gonna bite Blues in the ass too.
it's sad to see characters blame themselves for bs that the castle pulls like this ;; I'm going to feel bad for so many people
they just want to help stop all these horrible things from happening to people who don't deserve it
Kind of makes me wish I played Zero for this plot though.
how do you think he'd react?
He'd probably totally be one of the fully corrupted people
yeah, he's going to be getting 'can't protect anyone' issues on top of everything else.
oh man so Zero would probably like go berserk or something? ... that would be really fun to play yeah
and awww Danny :< I'm sure he'll be able to protect and help at least a few people..