best present ever or best present ever
now all I have to do is decide whether or not I want to give him horrific psychological trauma for his birthday...
Aw no don't! Come stay on the Lewis and Clark with Jane, trauma isn't a fun present.
Danny will be on the event horizon. he says 5 had BETTER be going on the safe ship
otherwise he'll have panic attacks AND hallucinations to deal with
yeah I'm debating if I actually want to put him through that or not... it might take him a long time to recover
but on the other hand I'm an awful person and I really like playing out things like this
Aww... Dairine knows that feel
Her birthday feel during the Cat with Hands plot last year
Horror plots = best presents
Absolutely >>; ... for me as a player honestly I think it's great but I can't help but feel bad for him because of the day it landed on
also... I'm curious, what was the Cat with Hands plot? that sounds really freaking creepy
a weird cat went around stealing body parts
i think that's the gist i wasn't that involved in it
... oh god that sounds horrifying D:
Conans birthday party is just before that. 5 could come over for some cake and lightheaeted stuff then?
That would be awesome actually! :> and heck he's going to be human starting on the 1st so he'll even be able to eat cake
it'll be nice to have some cute happy stuff to contrast what's about to happen afterward
yeah, Conans birthday is the 4, so I htik its right before everything happens

hes getting a surprise mystery themed birthday party
that he doesn't know about yet
oh sweet, who's setting that up for him?
aww :> I don't think 5 and Conan have met yet but he might stop by regardless if there's a big party going on
yeah, its going to be open to everyone, so
okay cool, I'll jump in on that then! thanks for the suggestion