11 years ago
Does anyone know what's happening with Epic Toy Factory? I was ejected from the group and the LM I have says "No valid parcel found" :'-(
latest #24
Paco Pooley
11 years ago
yes - there was a drama during the Fantasy Faire. a blogger said that he did like the sim she sponsored/made the least. she tok that personal (so i have heard) and closed her inworld store
11 years ago
oh no, she always does fantastic builds. :-(
Paco Pooley
11 years ago
maybe she will come back when the dust lowered - dunno. do not know her personally and it is all word to mouth. not sure what is for real and what not - like always with this kind of stuff
11 years ago
I hope so
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
PacoPooley: that´s not really what happened
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
MAyah used a bunch of ripped mesh in her sim decor
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
and was outed for it
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
trew a fit in group chat of FF
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
and closed her sim like a drama queen
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
which was also probably filled with ripped mesh
Paco Pooley
11 years ago
oh - okays... i only heard about the incident with the store selling ripped skyrim weapons - i did not know that she also used ripped content...
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
another merchant before the faire opened warned creators with pics from the game Torchlight
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
they did nthing
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
and a blogger talked about it and theripped flecha stuff
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
and mayah trew a fit in group chat telling the blogger and the creator who reported it to faire organizers where evil and liars and whatever
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
and then removed the torchlight bits where removed
11 years ago
oh dear
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
there´s still dubious mesh in that sim
11 years ago
I've always admired her builds, now I'm not sure what to feel :-(
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
i´m sure her sculpts where either her own or kits but her mesh is at best of dbious origins
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
and she has some serious ego problems
Angel is
11 years ago
there an SLU thread on this? I looked and didn't see anything
Ser Pounce
11 years ago
not that i know off
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