/jumps around grinning like a moron!!
wow neither of these words are appealing
barfday smells like acid
Seek is coming let me have my victory panic
Rachel keeps grabbing her boobies in excitement
Anyway she's gonna be 21 Pana we need to make it a party help me plan things /grin
I won't be 21 for a day or two until after I get there calm down /snrk
what don't share my habits like that!!!
No that's perfect cos I won't be able to have fun til Monday anyway
And it's okay dude I didn't tell them how you lick the windows on the bus too
we should hit the speakeasy
it's pretty expensive so we can only have one fancy drink before moving on...
/snrk. sounds impressive!
Oh jeez expensive..I will get back to you on that one but never fear seek we will plan some brilliant shit
I leave it to Ava, my taste in bars is all up there
Hahaha well maybe I can get a fat paycheck first and it'll be alright. But I'll ask people around and see what they suggest. Cabbie might know.