Does anyone have Taobao knowledge because there's some numbers not adding up and ????? /help need adult
latest #20
but doesn't taobao use Yuan?
in which case thats.....£9?
or am I going wrong and it's actually Yen?
it's probably £9 right? since 89 yen is money at all XD /but I don't actually have taobao knowledge so useless contribution
it is in a clearance section and I know taobao is cheap its just
I saw a wig for 57 Yuan/Yen
which by this rule is like
also 8900 yen would be around £60 and...
t...hat's probably correct tbh... taobao's prices are famously cheap (excluding all the shipping/handling/agent fees etc)
you told me they were cheap I just didn't realise that
Jas hold me I am having some kind of price related breakdown
but it's definitely not going to be £60 8D;;
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