I love when he uses "we could have been alone," as an excuse WITHOUT LETTING ME KNOW AHEAD OF TIME.
latest #10
he could have told me last night that we would have been alone
but instead of doing that he just tells me we'll have 3 hours before he goes into work
and i'm like "Well, I wanna sleep while I can." 'cause tuesdays and thursdays are my days to sleep in
and i told him we'd have the same amount of time after as we would have if i went before
"yeah but we would have been alone."
=- = omfg boy why DIDNT U TELL ME
"i figured you would have known. brian works every day, mikey has school and mama generally has something to do early in the day. she's subbin."
I don't know if ANYONE is doing ANYTHING unless someone let me know.
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