Within minutes of leaving the apartment [nsfw?]
latest #24
Harassed by 3 tiny puffball dogs
And then some asshole honked at me for waiting at the bus stop wtf
he just wanted to remind you that you were standing at the bus stop.
Wah the bus is 20 minutes late and I was already late I am not good at life today
Okay done complaining I promise. Now lets all ponder this plastic penis puzzle together
it looks like a finger puppet.
It's actually pretty small... hmm.
Wow I'm not even there yet and the director is pissing me off. Hahaha. That's good actually tho it gives me time to remember to suck it up and be professional
...aside from being late anyway. /face palms @ self
dude professional at community theatre with that asshole
Hey I owe them the courtesy of professionalism. I can roll my eyes inside my head when he's not looking though as long as I don't physically do it!
no my point was more you have already won the professionalism race
Haha well hopefully by the end of it I will. /salute
The downside of theatre kids sometimes, I'm afraid... sorry bro. :T
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