11 years ago
got the number of a sweet bella on his way home~
latest #152
Romano is
11 years ago
clutching a scrap of paper in in his hand, completely oblivious. He hopes she doesn't, that girl was really really cute!
11 years ago
flusters and blushes, going after the paper. "N-no! Just...just a cute girl, not a girlfriend!"
Romano wishes
11 years ago
she wasn't taller than him..he reaches for the slip of paper, unable to reach. "Si! Si, just a cute girl, that's it!"
11 years ago
flusters. "She's...ah..she comes off very shy at first, but I suppose when she knows what she wants, she's very determined." Hence the number. "She agreed to meet me at a cafe tomorrow.."
11 years ago
blushes dark, smoothing out the creases in the paper. ", maybe. If all goes well. She's very cute..."
11 years ago
smiles at that, happy to walk with her. "Si, if you wish to hear about it." Since she's here, he leads her down the road towards a small dessert shop. "Do you have anyone these days?"
11 years ago
supposes so. "Si, you always seem to have humans falling over themselves to impress you. I can't blame them." She was rather very pretty, he'd always known that much.
11 years ago
smiles at her words, before he starts to fluster a bit when she calls him that. "I'm not little anymore, bella. I was headed home...but we can go out for gelato if you would like."
11 years ago
blushes even more, but stays close to her as they head off. "I wasn't cute. Feliciano was the cute one." So cute everyone had thought he was a girl for some reason. Then again he himself was obviously a boy, _
11 years ago
_and that bastard Spain still made him wear dresses too BT
11 years ago
glares at a passer by obviously checking out Eliza. "I don't know about that. I think we argued a lot even then..." Well they never argued so much as he yelled at Feliciano...
11 years ago
blinks at the tap, shrugging slightly as he tugs her a little closer. " just Feli. He moons over everyone."
Romano gives
11 years ago
that some thought. "Si...I guess so." He hoped so at least. "Although I do yell at him a lot. He does stupid things, bella."
Romano thinks
11 years ago
that's a nice way of putting it. "si, si...when he remembers to think at all"
11 years ago
smiles a little at the nudge, tugging her up to the gelato shop. "I'm not that harsh, it's what's true." He motions with his head "Which flavour would you like?"
11 years ago
hums. "I like them all. But I might try's just plain gelato, but it has cherry sauce swirls."
11 years ago
orders two of them in the larger sizes, paying for them, and handing Elizaveta her cup. "There you are, bella."
11 years ago
nods. "Si, si. There's a fountain over there, would you like to go over?" He offers his arm again, thinking it only right that he did.
Romano is
11 years ago
pleased to have Elizaveta on his arm, and leads her to the edge of the fountain. "Luckily the weather is nice today."
11 years ago
sits next to her, glancing back at the fountain for a moment. "You should come visit more often." He missed her.
11 years ago
blushes a little, but he can't help it. "I should visit more as well...I will."
11 years ago
nods. "Si, si, I'm sure he misses you even more." He blushes a little darker at her giggle, scratching his cheek as if that would hide it.
11 years ago
nods. "Si, that would be good...but we don't have to invite.." That bastard, ugh. "Austria, do we?"
11 years ago
tries not to scowl, and silently attempts to word what he's about to say as politely as he can. He'd rather not swear in front of her. "I...hold grudges." That was better than _
11 years ago
_calling him a prissy potato sucker with a pole up his ass, that fucking split up he and his brother.
11 years ago
does scowl at that, even if slightly. "I know. But.." It was hard for him to not hold grudges. "I guess I can try...for you, bella."
11 years ago
flushes a little at that. "I guess...." He'd have to hold his temper the entire time...
11 years ago
eats another spoonful of the gelato. "Okay, bella. If you say so." He didn't see what would be fun about Roderich, but if she said it would still be fun, then he trusted her.
11 years ago
smiles at that. "You're welcome. Anytime, okay bella?"
11 years ago
flushes happily. "Grazie, I think. I can't imagine not being polite to ladies.."
11 years ago
scratches a little at his cheek. "Grazie..."
11 years ago
looks up at her, before shaking his head. "No, not really. Did you?" Maybe they could have dinner together or something.
11 years ago
perks up at that. "I would be happy to, bella. What would you like to do?"
11 years ago
smiles at that, grabbing her hand and tugging her off. "Si, definitely." It had been so so long since he's gone for a gondola ride on the canals. Too long.
11 years ago
used to go all the time. He wasn't sure why he was peaceful. "No problem, bella." He carefully helps her onto the boat, knowing it tended to rock.
11 years ago
nods. making sure she was okay. He climbed in after her, paying the man. "Si, a little." He sat down, sighing happily.
11 years ago
smiles. "We used to. I used to come by myself sometimes too. It's very...relaxing, for me."
11 years ago
blushes slightly. "Ah, that is a good idea, isn't it? Maybe I will..."
11 years ago
smiles at her, a little shy. "Si. It's a good idea...I really hope it works out."
11 years ago
gets shy about this stuff! "Si...alright."
11 years ago
would deny being..cute. He glances around, enjoying how calm it is. "We should have brought wine or something."
11 years ago
nods. "Si. Next time? If you're not busy, that is..."
Romano is
11 years ago
happy to hear that. "Buono. Maybe next time we can go sight-seeing as well."
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Si! It'll be lots of fun. We haven't had a day like that in a long time..."
11 years ago
smiles a little at that. "Si. If not the economy, and laws, and normal things, it's my boss getting into scandals."
11 years ago
supposes so. "You would think he'd stop sleeping around with strippers after the first few times he was caught..." But no. He had a dumbass for a boss.
Romano thinks
11 years ago
humans are often quite stupid on a whole. " have you been doing?"
Romano is
11 years ago
a little scared to ask, but he's heard gossip about her and those two potato bastards. He just wants to make sure she's alright... "Buono...if you ever need anything..well, I'm here, si?"
11 years ago
nods at that, reaching over to give her hand a quick squeeze. "Alright, bella. That's all I want."
Romano will
11 years ago
anyways. "I know, bella. You'll kick anyone's ass, si?"
11 years ago
's shoulders relax a little at that. "Good. Good..."
11 years ago
flushes a little at that. "Bella, I can take care of myself, you know."
11 years ago
flushes, but he has to give that much to her. "Well si...but I'm grown up now." He watches a little affectionately, he does kind of think of her like a sister in some sense. "But if I get into trouble, I'll _
11 years ago
_let you know, si?"
11 years ago
can't help but think of Feliciano at that. "Some more than others...."
11 years ago
smiles when she laughs, and nudges her lightly. "We should do this more often."
Romano has
11 years ago
to agree with that. "Maybe I'll drop by with pasta and wine sometime...if that's okay?"
11 years ago
smiles at that. "Buono. I'll try and remember to call in advance, si?"
11 years ago
isn't polite to everyone. "Don't worry yourself, bella. I just don't want to disturb you if you're busy."
11 years ago
swats at her hand lightly. "Bella...well, alright, then."
11 years ago
[what are they doing, again? Still on the canal?]
11 years ago
glances up when the boat comes to a stop at the end of their stretch. He holds a hand out to help her up, handing a few Euros to the man. "Buono..."
11 years ago
flushes lightly, shrugging a little. "Bella, I don't think I'd ever be anything else to you."
11 years ago
blushes at that, but smiles. "Buono. I wouldn't want to be anything else."
11 years ago
doesn't think its much of an effort for her. It's hard to be nice to some of the other nations though..dio. He shrugs a little, just happy for the moment. "Is there anyone who isn't kind to you?" Well...that_
11 years ago
_Prussian bastard always picks fights with her, but other than him...
11 years ago
huffs a little at that. "Who?"
11 years ago
...will do something to Gilbert for her. "Sadik is...but I can yell at Romania for you."
Romano will
11 years ago
still do something to Gilbert. He at least deserves it. "Are you sure?"
Romano gives
11 years ago
her a look, but relents. "Alright, bella..."
11 years ago
tends to worry anyways. He feels better when she takes his arm, and leads her along the street. "Okay...what do you want to do now?"
Romano gives
11 years ago
her a soft smile. "I'd take you to Rome, go see the coliseum...but for"
11 years ago
nods. "Si. I think...for now, Cinque's quiet..and nice. Peaceful. No cars allowed."
11 years ago
smiles, leading her towards a tram. They'd get close as possible this way before going on foot. "The view is beautiful. There are many hidden beaches, and olive groves, and.." He sighs a little in happiness._
11 years ago
_"It's wonderful."
11 years ago
nods. "Si. When I need to get away for awhile...just relax. It's becoming more overcrowded with tourists these days, but there are a lot of areas that are still quiet."
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