Linus Lacombe says
11 years ago
A lovely old Presbyterian church with large commercial buildings encroaching upon it, here in Springfield, MO
latest #6
Linus Lacombe says
11 years ago
I've long found the juxtaposition of the buildings quite interesting. The church was razed in 1930, and replaced with a parking garage, itself razed with changes in the street pattern.
Linus Lacombe says
11 years ago
The two buildings in the background of the photo are still there, and a parking lot take the place of the church today.
11 years ago
I was curious and read up on the two Methodist churches that split around Civil War differences, merged while my kids were in Springfield and have split apart again.
Linus Lacombe says
11 years ago
Ah! I know the ones of which you speak. I attended one of those two.
Linus Lacombe says
11 years ago
One was originally a Methodist Episcopal, the other a Methodist Episcopal South. They are both beautiful old churches, right down the street from each other.
Tanarian says
11 years ago
Ironically, there's a spot in Boston near the now-famous finishing line that looks a lot like that now.
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