11 years ago
sat outside in the rain, she wasn't feeling herself right now.
latest #134
11 years ago
put and umbrella over the other's head to shield her. " Hej."
11 years ago
blinked as the rain stopped, she looked up at the source and nodded a little. "Hej." Her voice was barely above a whisper.
11 years ago
crouched down as she sighed, " What are you doing out all the way here, Sve?" She was curious but also worried at the same time.
11 years ago
shrugged, "Jus.. h-had t' be 'lone.." her words were more cut up than normal, and still exceedingly quiet.
11 years ago
sat down next to her to lend some body heat over to warm the other, " You're never alone in the rain like this though."
11 years ago
slightly shyed away fromt he touch. "'m fine.. s-swear." She just was having slight anxiety problems.
11 years ago
looked up to watch the rain for a bit. " It doesn't sound fine to me when you stutter and talk so quietly."
11 years ago
shook her head. "M-m just fi-ine." She was cold too which wasn't helping. "'Nd Soren 's g=goin way t'morrow.." She didn't want to be alone, but she didn't want to interact with others.. She couldn't decide.
11 years ago
pouts and shifted her umbrella, " Liar." She tugged the other up. " Have you forgotten about the other Dane that's around too."
11 years ago
pushed her wet hair out of her face as she looked at the other. "Since when do y' c-care when 'm u-upset?"
11 years ago
huffs, keeping her umbrella over the other. " Since when have I actually haven't cared and not gotten involved in your business? You're my sister after all."
11 years ago
frowned, sniffling from the cold. "We don' get along."
11 years ago
started tugging her to go inside, " So? What's so bad about me not agreeing with you?"
11 years ago
pulled back, she didn't want to go inside just yet. "N-nothin.. I jus' don' understand.."
11 years ago
rolls her eyes as she just kept the umbrella over the other most of the time. " And why is that?"
11 years ago
run both of her hands through her hair. "I don' know! I jus' don'. Dorthe, 's jus' weird for me."
11 years ago
scoffs, " Then quit sitting here trying to catch a cold and figure the answer out inside."
11 years ago
frowned at her. ''M not tryin t' catch a cold.." She started to stand up regardless.
11 years ago
dragged the other inside after.
11 years ago
followed her inside, pushing her hair back out of her face.
11 years ago
opened the door and helped the other into the house.
11 years ago
bit her lip, shivering now that she was inside. She hadn't realized she was so cold.
11 years ago
put a towel around her to keep her warm. " Do you want a bath?"
11 years ago
shook her head. "Mnmm, 'm fine, jus' gotta change."
11 years ago
went to get the other some comfortable clothing after. " Alright then."
11 years ago
shivered, crossing her arm over herself.
11 years ago
let the other bed as she made some tea.
11 years ago
simply went to get a towel and a change of clothes.
11 years ago
served up the tea and some warm pastries she had sitting in the oven.
11 years ago
came back down in fluffy pj pants and a sweatshirt of Søren's . She went to the kitchen because she smelled the pastries.
11 years ago
nods over to them. " I'm not the one for cuddles but if you must I'll be in the living room." She gave an offer because she was feeling generous...and she was worried.
11 years ago
blinked, but nodded. "'lright. Tack." She got a tea and took one of the pastries.
11 years ago
settled in the living room, sprawled over a couch with all the animals and pets gathered around to watch TV as well.
11 years ago
came out to the living room a few moments later. She sat on the couch being careful of the animals.
11 years ago
glanced over to the other, " Still cold?"
11 years ago
nodded to her. "M-mhmm.."
11 years ago
put Loki on the other's lap. "Now?"
11 years ago
cuddled Loki even after he tried to climb on her chest. "Nej." She pushed Loki down to just lay on her lap. "Ja."
11 years ago
shook her head as she idly played with Kara while watching TV.
11 years ago
sighed a little wishing Loki would just stay still and help her warm up.
11 years ago
glanced over, " Do you need an extra blanket?"
11 years ago
shivered and nodded. "Mhmm.. That'd.. That'd help."
11 years ago
rolls her eyes, " Too far." She sat next to the other, sharing the warmth she had.
11 years ago
leaned against her with a small sigh. "Y'er warm."
11 years ago
stuck her tongue at the other, making another smartassed remark. " There will be problems if I am cold."
11 years ago
made a sound as she shrugged. "Y'll be fine... I won' be here long.." She didn't like depending on Dorthe so much.
11 years ago
rolled her eyes, " Whatever."
11 years ago
sighed quietly, she didn't want to move. "Don' sound so angry, Dan." She mumbled.
11 years ago
Huffed at the other, " You know I have a good reason to be angry ja? I'm just trying to be fair to you."
11 years ago
rolled her eyes now, "If y'er mad then leave. I didn' even do 'nythin t' y'."
11 years ago
shook her head, " Fine I'll leave." She got up and did just that.
11 years ago
frowned quietly, she pushed Loki off of her lap and followed the other. "Why are y' mad?"
11 years ago
pouted as she stopped in her tracks, pushing the other back to rest. " That you'll hook up with like my twin."
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Dorthe, I've been with Søren for two years..." She pushed herself back up. "There's not really 'ny reason t' be mad now."
11 years ago
huffed, " Still going to be mad for my own reasons. Now stay so I can make tea without you trying to kill yourself when I'm not looking."
11 years ago
"Tryin t' kill m'self? I wasn' tryin t' kill m'self." She crossed her arms. "Y' have no reason t' be mad!"
11 years ago
pouts, " What are you getting so rilled up about? You were sitting outside trying to get sick too. Thats getting to the dying part."
11 years ago
"I was jus' sittin outside in the rain. Not tryin t' get sick." She sighed. "There 's no reason t' be mad."
11 years ago
ignored the other as she just went to make tea. She was stubborn in her own way and despite the other's reasoning, she was of course adamant about her own standing in regards to what the other was doing.
11 years ago
followed her -almost like an impertinent child-. "Y'er mad for no reason." She huffed
11 years ago
Dorthe was
11 years ago
still mad either way regardless of the other's protests. She made really good tea for the otherhowever from sticking around the pothead too much.
11 years ago
had no problem with the tea, but she still didn't understand. She was sickly curious as to why she was so angry.
11 years ago
plopped the tea in the others hands. " Relationships are confusing to me okay?" She pouted more.
11 years ago
took the cup from her, staring at it quietly. "Umm... 'lright. What's so confusin 'bout 'em?"
11 years ago
glances at her, " How is it possible for nations to have relationships? Also what about relationships without feelings involved?"
11 years ago
thought that over quietly. "It 's jus' b'cause everyone has feelin's, 'nd sometimes.. thin's happen that lead t' one 'nother.." She tilted her head. "I don' think that y' could have a r'lationship without
11 years ago
havin 'ny feelins t'ward the other in the r'lationship..."
11 years ago
pouts, mulling over her own problems. " I see..." She grew quiet and went back to the living room with her own mug and some treats for the pets.
11 years ago
followed her back to the living room, sipping her tea. "What?"
11 years ago
just fed the animals as she continued to think.
11 years ago
"Dorthe. Jus' talk. Norm'ly I can't get y' t' shut up." She watched the animals eat happily.
11 years ago
poked and prodded at Loki to tease him. " Well I don't wanna talk." Stubborn as per usual.
11 years ago
"Jus' tell me. Y'er really bad at hidin problems.'
11 years ago
wrinkles her nose, " There isn't any problem. Just you being nosey."
11 years ago
made a face at her. "'M jus' tryin t' figure out what y'er even talkin 'bout, Dorthe."
11 years ago
shrugs, " I'm just clarifying stuff." She let Loki sprawl over her lap after.
11 years ago
rolled her eyes. "After all these years, I think I can tell when y'er lyin."
11 years ago
played with the cats paws as she huffed, " How is it lying? I just wanted to understand stuff better."
11 years ago
picked up Freyja, scratching behind her ear. "B'cause I know y'. Y' don' bring up thin's like that unless y' have somethin on y'er mind."
11 years ago
grew quiet as she let Kara curl up with Loki. " So what if I'm in a relationship where feeling aren't involved, like being friends with benefits?"
11 years ago
"Then y'er friends with benefits? Do y' want t' be in that r'lationship?" She questioned her.
11 years ago
shrugs, " I don't know. We're nations after all and its not like being in a romantic relationship would improve anything."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "'S not 'bout improvin 'nythin 'nymore. Jus' nice bein with someone who cares for y' 'nd y' care for 'em, ja?"
11 years ago
thought about it before scowling at the thought, " Nah, I'll rather I take care of myself and not have someone going on about having to baby sit me."
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Y' don' get baby sat by 'em. They're jus' someone y' have a connection with."
11 years ago
shrugs, " Well that's how the other person thinks that it is. I figured to not hurt my own feelings and just go with the benefits thing."
11 years ago
frowned at that. "Then maybe y' should leave the r'lationship if y' feel like he's jus' babyin y', right?"
11 years ago
shook her head, " I'm not the one that feels that way. He does."
11 years ago
frowned still trying to think about that. "Ah.. Well still that 'sn't a r'lationship.. It'd prob'ly be better in the long run t' jus' end it.. Hell, someone better could 'lways come 'long, ja?"
11 years ago
shakes her head, " Better to have some comfort than be alone. Who knows when the next person will come along, especially if they're a nation? I don't like being with humans either since they're lives are _
11 years ago
_too short and fragile." She concluded with another pout.
11 years ago
sighed quietly and actually placed a hand on her shoulder, squeezing lightly. "Y' never know, Dorthe. The next one may be closer than y' think, 'nd sooner than y' think.. But y' can't know till y' leave 'im."
11 years ago
rolls her eyes as she swatted away the other's hand lightly, " Don't care nor do I want to know. Too much thinking hurts my head."
11 years ago
rolled her eyes. "Ja I can 'lready see the smoke." She mumbled put off by how the other was acting.
11 years ago
smooshed Loki as she balanced Kara on her own shoulder. " Whatever."
11 years ago
"What are y' even doin?"
11 years ago
raised a brow, " What?" She wasn't hurting Loki but being playing with the cat.
11 years ago
"I don' know, y'er jus' squishin the poor cat.. 'm confused." Her head was tilted and her brow was raised.
11 years ago
looks down at Loki who seemed rather bemused at why she stopped playing with him. " He's a fat cat, Sve and he likes it."
11 years ago
"He's.. Not fat..." She blinked and stared at him. "He's jus'... round..."
11 years ago
poked at the cat who seemed lazy, " So you're saying that he would bounce? I wouldn't want to test that."
11 years ago
"Y' aren't testin that. Søren would kill y' if y' tried 'nythin that stupid." She pet the cat. "I need t' put y' on a diet.."
11 years ago
shrugs as she let Loki sprawl on Astrid while she played with Kara.
11 years ago
groaned a little, hissing as he started to knead on her leg. "I need t' cut y'er claws too..."
11 years ago
picked up Loki, smooshed him again and then put him back on Astrid. " He'll behave now."
11 years ago
stared again petting Loki. "Nej, he'll start clawin soon, he does when he's happy."
11 years ago
smirks, " Must be cause you're around."
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Uhh.. What...?"
11 years ago
poked at the cat, " He misses your company."
11 years ago
nods. "That's true.. I think he jus' r'members me bringin 'im home."
11 years ago
let Kara rest on Loki as she shrugs, " I doubt that's the only reason he'll remember you."
11 years ago
nods a bit watching Loki move and shift from Kara being on him. "I guess. 'M jus' glad he likes me."
11 years ago
raised a brow, " I doubt a cat like him can hate you.'
11 years ago
shrugged. "Some cats jus' don' like some people." She sighed and scratched under his chin.
11 years ago
hums as the watched Kara sleep on Loki. " Kara isn't of of them for sure."
11 years ago
shakes her head. "Nej, she's kind 'f dumb." She smiled a bit patting the cat's head. "But she makes up for it by bein' so cute."
11 years ago
rolls her eyes, " She's not dumb at all."
11 years ago
raised an eyebrow. "Are y' sure? I saw her run int' a wall the other day.'
11 years ago
frowns, " That's mean of you to make up something like that. She is my cat but she isn't me, Sve."
11 years ago
nods. "I know. But she did run int' a wall.."
11 years ago
glared at the other as she cautiously moved the kitten, " Kara isn't like that so stop making up stuff." She regused to take the others word for it.
11 years ago
watched Kara, taking a small ball of paper she balled it up, throwing it out of the room through the door, watching as Loki and Kara dash after it. Loki making it through the door Kara not so much. "....."
11 years ago
got up and picked up Kara who obviously couldn't get the ball because it was a smaller cat. She left the other without another word, annoyed at how it was trying to force a stupid personality on Kara.
11 years ago
wasn't trying to force anything. The cat just ran into a wall, Loki did it all the time too. "Dorthe. What the hell.."
11 years ago
ignored the other stubbornly and retreated back to her room. She loved her cat a lot and found far from being dumb as the other kept insisting on.
11 years ago
sighed and followed her. "All cats are dumb. She 'sn't the only one." She honestly didn't realize she was actually digging herself into a deeper hole.
11 years ago
slammed the door in the other's face. " Well you're dumb then for thinking that way." She locked the door, getting annoyed at Astrid more.
11 years ago
just stared at the door. ".. I... What 's even y'er problem? Dorthe, jus' open the door."
11 years ago
ignored the other as she went to bed and snuggled the cat. She really adored Kara and wasn't going to put up with Sve.
11 years ago
didn't think it was a bad thing, she just thought that the cat suited her owner, that was all.
11 years ago
hated how the other labelled her cat. Kara was rather intelligent and special in its own, good way. She relied on Kara for the times everyone else wasn't around and so she took Sve's words quite offensively.
11 years ago
sighed, leaning against the door. She didn't know anything like that, if she had, she probably would have kept it to herself.
11 years ago
really care about that cat's well being and hearing these things especially like what Sve said really upset her. Kara was a smart kitten and because it was different and not stupid it made the Dane happy.
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