Hishandmaid says
11 years ago
I have a shawl, 2 pairs of socks & am obligated to a cowl & a vest within the next 6 weeks, and I'm thinking of casting on another shawl. What is wrong w/me. I need a project that requires no thinking
Suncountry says
11 years ago
Can you finish up one of the girls projects and say surprise!!
Hishandmaid says
11 years ago
they don't have anything otn :-(
Suncountry says
11 years ago
Oh no!! Is there something small you always wanted to knit?
Hishandmaid says
11 years ago
small? lol I'd have to think about that :-)
Suncountry says
11 years ago
I only have one small bear otn's and I'm panicked that I won't finish it by next Saturday, baby shower day! I'm really slow!