Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
...ok uh. Apparently chocoballs was disabled? or something?
latest #25
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
no just refresh
it's a glitch
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
i tried logging in several times
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
i'll try again, but
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
it's just not working for me now
...you exist on mobile, except it says i'm not your friend anymore???
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
yeah, i just tried again
what the shit
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
i guess i'll just be this for a while, but i bet most people have defriended/unfollowed me XD
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
this sure is some first class bullshit
11 years ago
Mine was like this for a bit, and... now it's not, I guess.
it says you're still friended to me under chocoballs
on reg plurk when i checked my own list
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
werid :/
11 years ago
Log back in and it'll ask if you want to re-enable.
11 years ago
And claim you chose to disable it. e_e
11 years ago
I did that, and... appear to be back, for now.
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
it won't let me log in!
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
what the fuck... i did no such thing
11 years ago
:-( Huh.
Tiger Doughnut
11 years ago
i wasn't even on plurk at the time these shenanigans went down
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