11 years ago
wow havent been on here in some time! O_O
latest #14
Chrisssyyyy : D
11 years ago
J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! huggles I'm alive I swear!! Lol
11 years ago
miss you!!!!!!!! <3
11 years ago
I miss everyone I have been so busy lately...
ahhh no it's understandable! GOOD TO SEE YOU ARE ALIVE, THOUGH : D
11 years ago
dawww thanks and same!!!! I so need to get on here more often~ how are you?!?!?!?!?!?!
I am okay! STILL HOPING TO MAKE ANIME BOSTON although it's a little up in the air now. Just busy and distracted, the usual
11 years ago
dawww i hear ya with AB having to replace our kitchen roof killed AB :-(
11 years ago
hope you are still able to go, are you attending Otakon???
oh ouch :-( yeah rl gets in the way like that
SOB. Otakon is just as up in the air unfortunately
finances are a problem
if I have the money to justify it I'll go
11 years ago
dawww i hear ya, ota is so pricey :-( thinking this will be my last one how are you doing otherwise??
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