Finn the Human
11 years ago
going through some serious existetial angst. mute if you don't support a libertarian veiw on free will.
latest #15
Finn the Human
11 years ago
so last night i spilled beer on my computer and may have shorted the motherboard.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
the thing is, the reason i spilled it is etirely my own fault.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
I had just sat back down after getting my beer, and didnt want to stand up to get my bottle opener. So i attempted to open the bottle using my keys.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
I probably should have given up when i got 3 deep cuts on my fingers, but either way, I kept going and when the cap came off, about 1/8th of the beer flew directly on to my compter
Finn the Human
11 years ago
So basically, as I've been thinking about it more and more recently, I realize that this is entirely my own fault. I had an infinite number of possible choices in that situation.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
I chose to not stand up and get my bottle opener. Nothing made me do it other than me.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
There was no causal necessity to it. It was because I made it that way.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
Its a pretty scary thought considering I have an infinte realm of possibility, and yet I still constantly am defined by the 1 possibility i choose each time.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
I could go drink bleach right now and kill myself, and having that absolute power and freedom is pretty terrifyng.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
All this cause of some beer on my computer and some sartre on my brain.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
but really, the fact that I have so much control and freedom means I have unlimited responsiblity for every single thing i have ever done.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
and that's also pretty scary considering I don't have an excuse in anything I do.
Finn the Human
11 years ago
so yeah, welcome to how i think and what i think about.
11 years ago
Jesus fucking Christ that was heavy
Finn the Human
11 years ago
welcome to the world of existentialism where everything is your fault, and your life doesn't matter.
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