11 years ago
"You need to pay half of the power." "Sure, when you pay for half of the internet bill, pay for things we both use, and, you know, let me use more than one room of the house. Then we'll talk."
latest #6
11 years ago
siiiiiiick of being treated like the gum on the bottom of someone's shoe, so I'm never here, but still expected to pay more than my share of the bills. Sure, that's fair. Asshole.
Denim says
11 years ago
D: D:-D: are things not cool with the roomie friend?
Denim says
11 years ago
that was supposed to be D: D: D:
11 years ago
Things are not cool. I need to move before we hate each other too much, hopefully after graduation, I'm finding a few jobs in Boise, though nothing too awesome. XD;
11 years ago
so if you hear of anything let me know. 8D
Denim says
11 years ago
Will do! That sucks, though, that things aren't awesome anymore :-( you guys are so awesome.
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