11 years ago
latest #26
11 years ago
I really want some more subtle ideas for Ocelot-sneakiness in my fic.
11 years ago
But I'm having trouble getting my brain to work that way since I'm a pretty straight forward person =|
Colorless Juice
11 years ago
what kind of sneakiness?
11 years ago
Well for a good portion of the story I know he just... ticks over, doesn't have much to worry about from that point of view, so I don't need much for that, it's when he gets triggered that Sunny has a problem
11 years ago
on her hands.
11 years ago
He finds out that Big Boss's memories were used to build and AI waaaay before his were, this was kept a secret from him, and he plans to recover the (hopefully) dead AI.
11 years ago
But I don't really know how to handle his getting Sunny to take him to Big Boss, she'd never do it knowing his plans, because she's twigged that BB is the main issue, bring him into the scene and Ocelot goes
11 years ago
into melt down.
11 years ago
So he has to lie, but while I have a number of general ideas.
11 years ago
The details are evasive.
11 years ago
And my normal brainstorming partner has gone utterly AWOL ;_;
Colorless Juice
11 years ago
11 years ago
I mean she takes him nominally because BB is /dead/ the machine is gone, defunct, a dead parrot. But she's still not happy about it. So he nudges her in the right direction before outright getting her to take
11 years ago
him there.
11 years ago
But... how =_=; why were they even in the area? Presumably they were deployed for some kind of skirmish, or defence... it wouldn't be a training exercise.
11 years ago
Guh I knew I was going to get stuck with this
Colorless Juice
11 years ago
playing up the "it's for the good of whatever" angle..? I haven't read this yet so I dunno
11 years ago
I think he /might/ be able to persuade her that there is something wrong. His programming forces him to protect her (within certain boundaries) so if she thought it was an extension of that he might get her
11 years ago
away from the others and closer to BB.
11 years ago
Yyeess I like this.
11 years ago
It would also be the only time he's used the 'protection' thing against her, instead of as a reason to trust him, so she's not likely to question it.
11 years ago
Unfortunately BB is kind of hard to hide, and if she wanted she could take full control and get him out of there again, so I'd need to play on her sympathies to get her to hand over full control...
11 years ago
But Sunny's not stupid =| so I'm going to have to go all out on this.
11 years ago
Snake is her weak point, that is one of the things that made her sympathetic in the first place, knowing Otacon's feelings, and her own, and understanding Ocelot's position.
11 years ago
But it won't be enough for this.
11 years ago
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