❀BlairBear❀ shares
11 years ago
latest #28
11 years ago
♬ℓαℓα says
11 years ago
omg nainis ako dian~!!
❀BlairBear❀ has
11 years ago
mixed feelings. (unsure)
11 years ago
lalapyon: bakit?
♬ℓαℓα says
11 years ago
I'm not sure either. (haha) but the story. . .nainis lang ako. for some reason. 8 DDD;;;
11 years ago
Thank goodness I haven't encountered any malevolent beings so far.
11 years ago
lalapyon: I feel torn about the story, too.
♬ℓαℓα says
11 years ago
BlairMayfair: that would be bad. . I hope I don't encounter one either. I believe I have a slightly mischievous one in my hands tho.
11 years ago
lalapyon: Kass told me about that duwende. (LOL) I think it just wants to play.
11 years ago
11 years ago
11 years ago
I hope you don't run into one either, Blair XD
11 years ago
It reminds me of MAMA
11 years ago
marikthemacabre: you're right!
11 years ago
decadentarisu: thanks. ^^ by the way, I would say that Auber says hi, but... she's not saying anything really. (LOL)
11 years ago
(LOL) I don't really expect her to. She prefers to only speak when necessary.
11 years ago
decadentarisu: Miette's with Kass in the office so it's REALLY quiet here. (Rofl)
11 years ago
11 years ago
Have you tried speaking to her? :3c
11 years ago
decadentarisu: I don't know if I can call it speaking. It's more like she lets me see snippets of her thoughts, but she doesn't let me in that often. ^^; Plus she's a little intimidating.
11 years ago
But I like to think we're more comfortable around each other now. (LOL)
11 years ago
(LOL) Ulalume can kind of sympathize. She was a little scared of her at first. And she still kind of is, even though she knows she's her shadow.
11 years ago
decadentarisu: Any tips on communicating with her? XD
11 years ago
Ulalume says that offering her things often works. Bitter things are her favorite XD
11 years ago
decadentarisu: would coffee work? we don't have a lot of bitter food here. @_@
11 years ago
Yep! That works :3 Coffee candy, too.
11 years ago
decadentarisu: We have those! I'll try that. :-D
11 years ago
Good luck! :3
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