11 years ago
DERSE and PROSPIT mingles are up! Sorry for the wait, folks.
latest #50
11 years ago
How these work: due to glitching in the game's code, ALL Prospitians are able to see and interact with each other, as are all Dersites!
11 years ago
However, they cannot physically interact. If you try you'll go right through them.
feelings jenga
11 years ago
i am always sad that phylus isn't awake
11 years ago
It's like talking to a hologram, basically. But even if your character isn't awake, you can still post! Sleepwalking is viable!
Catgirl Crimes
11 years ago
11 years ago
You may also interact with carapaces if you so desire; Dersites also have the option of trying to contact the Horrorterrors.
Gonna make a placeholder for Avispa since she's on Skaia; in case anyone wants to prospit-cloud-vision see her.
11 years ago
So in other words no coppin a ghostfeel
11 years ago
feelings jenga
11 years ago
phylus needs to wake up someone should drop him from his tower
feelings jenga
11 years ago
feelings jenga
11 years ago
feelings jenga
11 years ago
So I can play with his glitch
xcgkjlsdfjgld oh my god
Also I have now participated!! (gym)
ghost king
11 years ago
i will throw nik in at some point fhdjgsl
11 years ago
Also, the DREAM SELF page for reference!
11 years ago
Yeah so if they're still asleep, can we just make a general "dude's still asleep, come draw on his face and see what's in his tower" prompt
ghost king
11 years ago
that is fine!
doom triangle
11 years ago
11 years ago
woop woop gonna throw mandya in when i get back
11 years ago
Pow sleepyProspit post
Do you rouse the Knight from his slumber?
If yes: Turn to page 927
If no: Turn to page 203
11 years ago
If yes: Turn to page 69
sdfsdfkjglsd oh my god
11 years ago
Yessss delicious propaganda.
Prospitans are welcome to see purple "Thief gone missing? Keep your doors locked anyway" styled posters re: Avispa, relevantly, maybe. idek I'm bad at propaganda
ghost king
11 years ago
feelings jenga
11 years ago
The Heir can't Inherit When He's Not Awake, more news at 5
11 years ago
eeee i will have all the people bothered by cheriour :-D
also i want him to contact the horrorterrors, how would that work
ghost king
11 years ago
do you want him to contact them specifically or just have them suddenly be like "hey sup"?
Probably him contacting them
ghost king
11 years ago
ok! if he wants to do that then you can just post a tag specifically targeting them or something
11 years ago
So does that mean players can interact with each other through objects, just not with each other directly? :|a
11 years ago
As in, players can draw on the faces of those from other sessions, dump buckets of water on them to perhaps wake them up, etc?
11 years ago
Basically, are indirect interactions allowed where direct actions aren't :|a
ghost king
11 years ago
iiii would say nope, indirect ones wouldn't have any effect either
But they could shout a bunch! 8D
Or a Beta player could find an awake Alpha player to go wake up another Alpha player, teamwork!
Or kids, etc
feelings jenga
11 years ago
-u- phylus will sleeps
ghost king
11 years ago
she's pissed
11 years ago
Hdjshdjd Nik bb
feelings jenga
11 years ago
ghost king
11 years ago
oh wait i have actual tags to do too sjkghas okay i will respond to everything tomorrow, just threw her up in there for tonight orz
11 years ago
Is cool I just tagged while I still can sob
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