Ludwig has
11 years ago
no idea how these two fighting cats got into his house but now the dogs are going crazy and the situation escalating.
latest #111
11 years ago
had managed to calm the dogs and looks relieved when Elizaveta pulls the cats apart. He lets out a sigh when it's a little peaceful. "Ah,
11 years ago
Danke Elizaveta..." He's almost embarrassed at the fact that something like this occurred while he was home.
11 years ago
nods as he goes directly where he kept the puppy kennels and brought over two opening each one. "I've never seen these cats in my life. I
11 years ago
wonder where they came from." He says lightly
11 years ago
peers into the kennels. "That could very well be it." He sees as he wanders off momentarily only to come back with two bowls of food for
11 years ago
them. "It's the least I can do." He says as he opens one kennel puts the food in and then does the same in the next.
11 years ago
thinks that's a great idea. "I know one close by we can go too." He agrees as he watches them eat.
11 years ago
thinks its sad that they were left without a house. He almost wants to take one in too. "Which one do you want?"
11 years ago
walks in through the front door. He could hear the dogs going crazy from down the street, and everything all of a sudden went silent. He wonders what exactly is going on here.
11 years ago
hears the door open and glances up noticing Gilbert. His brow quirks but he doesn't say anything as he waits for Elizaveta's reply.
Gilbert is
11 years ago
just...watching them, a little confused. He whistles the dogs over, just so he can pet and greet them, mostly. "Why are there cats in the house, and why are the dogs all...excited? Also hey Eliza."
11 years ago
nods at that. "It'll have a good home." He comments before turning to Gilbert with a quirked brow. "Did you leave a window open before leaving?" He asks suspiciously. That could explain a lot.
11 years ago
pauses. "Uh..." It's possible he may not have shut the window behind him when he left this morning... "No...?" He gives his best innocent look, which is admittedly...not very innocent looking.
11 years ago
's brows furrow until it's clear his not impressed and unconvinced. "I see."
Gilbert is
11 years ago
quick to jump on the chance Eliza has clearly given him. Getting a lecture from West is never fun.. "Ja! Ja...what mess? I mean, the" What with everything knocked over, and mud tracked all over_
11 years ago
_the house, but.. "I see you've broken up the fight...Eliza, you've got a new pet. I'll just...fix the house, ja?"
Ludwig thinks
11 years ago
it was pretty obvious what mess they were talking about. "You won't be leaving to anywhere until the place looks spotless." He interjects just so it was clear his expectations.
11 years ago
grumblepouts at West's declaration, but it's only fair and he agrees. The expression quickly shifts into a leer at Eliza's words, and all he can think about his the kind of massage with a happy ending. "Oh, I'd
11 years ago
_love to. Awesomest massage ever, I'll make sure you love it~"
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that but doesn't say anything as he goes to get the mop and other cleaning supplies.
Ludwig has
11 years ago
the mop bucket filled and has wiped most of the mud up as he wets the mop to clean the rest of the floor.
11 years ago
perks up at that. "That's okay! I used to give West massages when he came home all sore. Remember West? When you were learning how to swing a sword around, with your cute little arms?" He practically bounces_
11 years ago
_with excitement at raving about how cute West was as a kid.
11 years ago
flushes at the story. "Ah...j-ja, I remember..." He clears his throat, occupying himself with the moping.
11 years ago
takes the mop from him, leaning it against the wall, before pinching his bruder's cheeks. "He was the cutest, Eliza. Remember? Always so serious, and adorable, and cute."
11 years ago
looks indignant when his cheek is pinched and slaps the hand away. The red his face had taken on was still there and he goes to grab the mop again. It wasn't as clean as he wanted it. "That was a long time
11 years ago
ago...there are more important things to deal with at the moment than memories."
11 years ago
grins. West is the cutest. "Aw, you just say that cause you don't remember how cute you were. I wasn't mean, right West? Eliza, I only teased him sometimes. It's big brother code for 'I love you'."
11 years ago
nods lightly. "No, Gilbert wasn't mean just strict." It would probably be viewed as abuse or even cruelty now the way Gilbert had trained and taught him about life.
11 years ago
shrugs at that. It was how things were at the time, and he felt horrible about it now, but.. "You grew up to be a damn good soldier though, huh?"
11 years ago
smiles lightly at that. "I wanted to make you proud." He says honestly before his gaze turns to Elizaveta. "I guess I can't say that he didn't." There had been many times...
11 years ago
smiles at that. He'd taught West what he knew, and what he knew at the time was...harsh. But West had more than excelled. "And I was proud. So proud, and I still am." He nudged the other, and ruffled his hair._
11 years ago
_Ah West...the other had no idea how proud he was, and how much he adored his bruder.
11 years ago
quirks a brow at that. He had heard some stories but never from Hungary herself. He fixes his hair trying to hid the slight flush at Gilbert's compliment.
11 years ago
makes a distraught noise at that. "I was totally the big brother! You were the middle child, Eliza. Then Roddy, then West."
11 years ago
chuckles lightly. "I'm not surprised. Roderich wasn't older than Elizaveta?" He seemed a little surprised by this.
11 years ago
huffs! "I was the older one, and you were not cooler! I was the coolest and the strongest our of us." He's not seriously getting worked up, but he still wants West to think of him as the best.
11 years ago
's lip curves up at that. It's not like he thought any little of his bruder. "It doesn't really matter to me who was older or changed over time anyway."
11 years ago
sticks out his tongue at Eliza. "You never kicked my ass! I totally won everytime. You were too busy fussing over baby Roddy anyways." long as West didn't think any less of him, then fine. But he _
11 years ago
_still had his pride to fight for.
11 years ago
blinks at the look. "I wouldn't be able to tell by looking at either of you...we'd have to make a competition out of it."
11 years ago
cheers. "Fiiiight!." He pauses though, looking at her. Now she actually looks like a girl, and it's...weird. He kinda doesn't want all. Well damn. "Or, you could take my word for it, that I was totally_
11 years ago
11 years ago
blinks at that, had not been expecting that at all and starts to laugh.
11 years ago
lets out a loud squawk of surprise, completely caught off guard. He's lands with a grunt, flailing slightly under her and complaining about how he wasn't ready! But he pauses when West starts to laugh, and just
11 years ago
_kinda grins at his bruder. It felt like he hadn't seen West laugh in ages...
11 years ago
|It takes him a moment to recuperate before he's able to respond. "That's not quite what I had in mind...but it looked as if it worked out."
11 years ago
sticks his tongue out playfully at Eliza. "Yea, you playing dirty all the time." Not that he didn't, but she'd always been more sneaky, and he'd liked his battle cries.
11 years ago
hadn't doubted her. "You would have to be back then." He agrees
11 years ago
just kinda lays there on the ground. He's comfy. "I was a badass knight too! I was your knight, remember?" Not that she'd needed the protection, but hey.
11 years ago
chuckles at that. "I've always told you to be careful...then again I wasn't consciously around back then to do that."
11 years ago
flails at her. "Why would you tell him that? West, I wasn't stuck. I was...comfortable up there, and I was just hanging out, okay? She tells lies."
11 years ago
had finished cleaning the kitchen through their bickering and was putting the cleaning supplies away. "Comfortable...stuck. I'm sure whatever it was it was a good memory."
11 years ago
rolls his eyes. "Yea? Well Eliza...when she thought she was a dude, she thought her dick was going to grow in." So ha. That was more embarrassing than the tree story, so he totally won.
11 years ago
would let them bicker, they did have quite a bit of history together. "Simple mistake." He comments as he moves the kennel to a side of the room.
11 years ago
tries not to wince at the punch. "How is that a simple mistake? Dicks don't grow in, everyone knows that. Back then you were stuck with what you got." He drags Eliza down to the ground in retaliation for the_
11 years ago
_punch, pinning her and tickling her. "Hey West, found another weakness."
11 years ago
chuckles as he watches for a little bit before wrapping his arms around his bruder's waist and practically suplexing him but not as dramatically. "Now, how bout lunch?"
11 years ago
wails again, flailing and calling West a traitor. Why did everyone take him down so easily? It was fun though...
11 years ago
eventually lets him go as he heads over to the fridge to see what he could cook.
11 years ago
sticks his tongue out right back, scrambling back up and heading over to steal a beer from the fridge. "Want one, West? Beer and lunch, right?"
11 years ago
glances at the beer and nods. "Ja, of course. Do you have to ask?" He says as he pulls out ingredients and deposits them on the counter. "Did you want something to drink Elizaveta?"
11 years ago
grabs two more beers, because of course Eliza would want one too. Who didn't like beer? He sets the three of them down, ducking under West's arm to quickly snag some leftover wurst to snack on.
11 years ago
almost smacks Gilbert's hand away but gets distracted with one ingredient almost falling off the counter and re-adjusts it. "I should be fine. Just relax."
11 years ago
cackles quietly to himself when West doesn't get to smack his hand. He shoves the rest of the wurst in his mouth, munching happily as he hops up to sit next to Elizabeta.
Ludwig was
11 years ago
making a simple schnitzel recipe with rice and vegetables.
11 years ago
always sits on this counter. Unless she would rather him shove her off and reclaim his spot, he's not up to anything. "Looks good, West. You can totally skip the veggies though, promise."
11 years ago
could only shake his head with a small smile at Gilbert, ignoring the comment. "Don't worry I planned to cook some vegetables on the side."
11 years ago
grins at that, sticking his tongue out at Eliza since he counts it as a win. "Am not a child."
11 years ago
tries to ignore their argument, feeling a little uneasy that he's being drawn into it...especially when it came to his bruder. He dishes out the schnitzel, rice and vegetables making sure everyone got
11 years ago
vegetables before balancing all three plates in his arms and setting them in front of each person respectively.
11 years ago
nudges her. "Nah uh!" West didn't have to feel bad, it was good-natured bickering. "West is only acting more mature cause I raised him well. Doesn't mean he isn't as bad as me."
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