Alex says
11 years ago
Windows 8 is not secure when first started :-( Even though I told it not to share my information,
11 years ago
I looked at all the apps it installed and quickly seen that it would still share :-( I uninstalled all those apps and reinstalled the desktop versions to end it all.
11 years ago
Now that the operating system is cleaned up and I deleted all the monkey BS, it running fine thus far.
11 years ago
MS sure made a blunder with all those apps.
11 years ago
Don't get me started on Windows 8 bro, my new laptop runs and it's the biggest piece of crap since ME lol I am removing it.
11 years ago
nods I fully understand.... I did not like it one bit but I installed classic view to override... BUT I have windows 7 on order just in case.